Example sentences of "[det] [art] [noun sg] [conj] to make " in BNC.

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1 If we baldly declare the Bible world-picture and do not interpret it to the modern world in such a way as to make it intelligible , we are useless .
2 Certain propositions are true because the relevant ideas are connected and related to each other in such a way as to make them true .
3 If our propaganda has failed , it has failed because we have been unable to arouse the British people in such a way as to make them feel that the cause of Republican Spain was their cause in such a measure that they would take every risk , even the risk of war to make the Republican cause in Spain prevail .
4 A second approach is to frame the law in such a way as to make it clear that the court should make a moral judgment on the gravity of the defendant 's conduct .
5 But she thought of how , if the positions had been reversed , she would have written pages full of detail to Ellen , would have described a child in such a way as to make him spring from the writing , alive and visible .
6 From the moment he had come to power , Napoleon III had made it plain that for him the problem of Paris was not simply one of creating prosperity for its inhabitants ; rather it was one of transforming and embellishing the city in such a way as to make life better for its inhabitants while simultaneously making it worthy of the new France .
7 Some political activists concluded from this that what was needed was to ‘ empower the poor ’ , encourage their civic and political participation as a way to redress the balance , give them the strength to organize in such a way as to make effective claims on society , to receive those citizen 's rights to which they were said to be entitled .
8 Nor can they reason in such a way as to make their contribution relevant to the volatile , hurried and stressful conditions of commercial and industrial life .
9 The ideological demand that communists should seek to improve the accommodation of the people was subordinate to the aspiration to house them in such a way as to make it easier to supervise them and mould them as the Party saw fit .
10 In order to gain acceptance for their interpretation of educational problems , researchers , administrators and politicians usually find it necessary to ‘ explain' the problem ; to pinpoint the processes which appear to have led to it in such a way as to make the remedy appear obvious .
11 ( b ) That by assigning rights and powers to the community in accordance with the Treaty provisions member states have limited their sovereign rights in such a way as to make it impossible to withdraw unilaterally .
12 So , how can you work with your dreams in such a way as to make useful links between your conscious and your unconscious mind , and so gain some benefit in your everyday life ?
13 The problem is that the ‘ well-constructed ’ or ‘ textbook ’ ad is liable to be extremely boring unless it embodies a really good idea , and that it is possible for a skilled creative person to bend the ‘ rules ’ of construction in such a way as to make a moderately good idea look or sound much better .
14 Because they could n't meet c could n't meet what they were previously doing they have altered it in such a way as to make it easy to achieve .
15 She accomplishes this linguistic manipulation or ‘ explosion ’ by combining words in such a way as to make them ‘ activate ’ one another .
16 It was possible that Riddle had committed suicide in such a way as to make it appear that he had been murdered .
17 She listened in such a way as to make every remark of mine appear the last word in wit .
18 According to Jonathan Culler , Ferdinand de Saussure is the father of modern linguistics , the man who re-organised the systematic study of languages in such a way as to make possible the achievements of twentieth century linguists .
19 Insurance companies use people 's savings to acquire a range or portfolio of assets which they then manage in such a way as to make profit , whilst at the same time providing cover against contingencies .
20 I believe that these ( and not only these ) deeply-rooted social-dynamic forces act on other groups in society in such a way as to make it relatively more difficult for some groups than others to enter particular occupations .
21 Indeed , it can draw the line in such a way as to make synonyms of the terms form and content .
22 ‘ What becomes more difficult , and what the geoscientists , drillers and completions people all work to ensure , is that the well is drilled in such a way as to make the completion process as routine as possible . ’
23 He intended forcing the killer off the road , in such a way as to make it look like he had lost control of his car , overcome by loss of blood from his bullet wound .
24 In the view of language taken here , therefore , potential meaning is seen as an instrument for representing or conceptualizing particular experiences in such a way as to make them sayable .
25 I have chopped up the Info in such a way as to make it Faxable on 2 sheets So I could do that too , at a pinch .
26 The charter says quality standards must be explicit and measurable and ‘ not set in such a way as to make black voluntary organisations unable to tender for contracts ’ .
27 It is clear that what Bukharin had in mind here was that the ‘ town ’ must provide consumer goods and means of production to agriculture on such a scale as to make it worthwhile for the peasants to produce more than for their own immediate needs .
28 The woman searches — though these days she does n't know it , matters of procreation being so far from anyone 's thoughts — for a good father for her young , adequate in looks , more than adequate as a provider ; the man searches for a good , kind and competent mother for his children , not such a dog as to make copulation a problem — both settle for the best he or she can do .
29 This meant that an older social critique , whose pedigree went back hundreds of years , was expanded to take account of juvenile employment in such a manner as to make the critique more subtle , at least in the sense that some reformers began to suggest that the combination of juvenile psychology , conditions of labour and industrial training was influential far beyond the workplace and on a scale previously unrecognized .
30 There appears , moreover , to be nothing to support Husameddin 's account of the circumstances of the death of " Mehmed Sah " , together with Haci Ivaz and Ibrahim Pasa , in 832 beyond the purported letter from Molla Fenari to Murad II which Husameddin mentions but neither quotes nor identifies in such a manner as to make it accessible .
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