Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [noun sg] was the " in BNC.

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1 A mild example of this from antiquity was the Roman Saturnalia at the time of the winter solstice .
2 An excellent example of this in practice was the East Anglian Rubber Windmill exercise described in Chapter 5 , demonstrating what could happen in the " internal market " if all pursued their private ends regardless of the public consequences .
3 This in fact was the main tack in the bishops ' attitude to the forum .
4 Another essential item then very much in vogue was the family bible ; the Titfords duly acquired one , ornately gilded and standing in its own glass-topped case , and proceeded to enter births , marriages and deaths as they occurred .
5 TOO much at stake was the message from both camps after an edgy Bass Cup quarter-final which Ards front man Harry McCourt almost settled four minutes from time .
6 The PLO 's capture of the hearts and minds of those under occupation was the first great blow to Israel 's policy of normalization .
7 When a storm of rare violence blew up the mariners , being superstitious folk , cast lots to determine which of those on board was the cause of the evil , and the short straw , broken domino or queen of spades was drawn by Jonah .
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