Example sentences of "[det] [prep] the way [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We know little about the way in which workers ' motivations are affected by the creation of a powerful market test .
2 Half of the way through the book when things started to go wrong Ralph realised that Piggy did have some valuable points .
3 Ellie sat in the half-light of their neighbour 's drawing room , the dark curtains pulled some of the way across the windows to keep out the sunlight .
4 If family carers can describe to residential staff some of the way of life and habits of the dementia sufferer on admission , a routine can be worked out which closely resembles the previous pattern .
5 I shall now go some of the way up this valley , as far as the Col du Tourmalet at the end of it — what lies on the far side of the col must wait for the section of this chapter on the valley of the Adour .
6 He started to put his arm round Nancy 's waist and reached some of the way towards her mouth before she moved away from him .
7 The theories and models considered , whilst by no means presenting clear answers , do go some of the way towards exploring that realm full of complexity and uncertainty with which this chapter began .
8 Well , you can probably go some of the way by concentrating on the humanity of the policemen you need to portray .
9 Well surely we 're trying to do this in the way of neighbourhood watch
10 The reason was that we were touching three million unemployed at that particular point in time , and it was felt that the best way of making an impact was to highlight this in the way in which it was done .
11 ( We might compare this to the way in which , in Sartre 's later text , the synecdoche of the singular-universal insistently slides into the singularity of the event ) .
12 On another issue , that of the way in which the status of housewifery is perceived , both class differences and similarities in women 's domesticity are found .
13 This pattern occurs frequently due to factors such as the way in which meter readings for , say , electricity supply are made from house to house , i.e. not at random , or the effects of localized advertising campaigns on a larger file in which many unaffected records are stored .
14 MBFR ( Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction ) talks began at Vienna in 1973 but became deadlocked around questions such as the way in which the forces deployed on both sides should be counted and whether absolute or relative reductions should be made : the first of these suited the East , which had larger totals , but the second was pressed by Western negotiators .
15 Great questions such as the way in which buildings may be rehabilitated , or private and council landlords forced to meet basic standards of health and safety within their properties , have been largely pushed into the field of what has been designated " Housing Law " , the latter being less concerned with providing a framework for operation than a means for intervening on behalf of the more vulnerable members in society .
16 The concentration of women in industries and occupations where seasonal , temporary and casual rather than fixed contract working prevails also goes much of the way to explaining why the majority of female temporary workers are also part-timers .
17 The creative use of existing clubs and leisure facilities could go much of the way to addressing this concern .
18 Ophelia is often ignored for audition material simply because she does n't seem to have much in the way of a sustained speech until she goes mad .
19 Now , I 'd rather be sitting in a car than standing on a crowded platform , but there was n't much in the way of light relief on the radio .
20 If neither Herbert Wilcox , Michael Balcon nor Victor Saville started off with much in the way of imaginative flair , they did at least know what was required to build successful enterprises .
21 Yet though the issue of unemployment exerted considerable impact upon British politics it does not appear that Britain 's political parties came up with much in the way of a meaningful solution to the problem .
22 The Grade V test was , therefore , taken by a number of students who had no particular interest in the theory of music , but who could be pushed through the test provided that they could learn the requirements and carry them out without too much in the way of understanding .
23 One word of warning though : if you are someone whose daily life involves a strong competitive element , you would do well to avoid too much in the way of competitive sport ( squash , tennis and so on ) as your form of exercise as these will only tend to maintain an already high level of stress .
24 Yet many small and medium companies can not give very much in the way of resources and may be in need of a great deal for themselves .
25 For more of the immaculate touch drumming of Philly Joe Jones — but I 'm afraid without much in the way of quality in the supporting cast — try ‘ Mo'Joe ’ from 1968 on Black Lion ( for Jones alone ) ; brushwork especially of the very highest order .
26 It had been an exercise without much in the way of results , but then many of my days were like that , and it was only by knowing the normal that the abnormal , when it happened , could be spotted .
27 There is not much in the way of a half-way house between people who do not use credit at all and those who use it frequently .
28 Living five hundred years before Christ , when there was not much in the way of religious encounter between the Middle East and the Further East , their spiritual greatness and the influence they exerted on the people of their own area and era , raised questions in the mind of any would-be missionary .
29 Nigel was , by this time , unable to do much in the way of hulking and heaving , owing to having suffered from the fashionable slipped disc eighteen years earlier , which still had to be watched .
30 The mix of screwball comedy and moral bombast fails to work , and there is much too much in the way of quaint native lore , bungy-jumping through the jungle and Connery practising his golf swing
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