Example sentences of "[det] [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The blood is contained in three cylinders ( each about the size of a panatella cigar ) which run the length of it .
2 To make the arms , roll several small balls of icing , each about the size of an olive , and flatten them to 5mm ( ¼inch ) thickness .
3 Make six small balls out of the red marzipan trimmings , each about the size of a pea , and press them gently into the red base , spacing evenly apart .
4 The Single European Act , fully in force from 1992 , will be a bonus for business but will do little for the rest of us .
5 His flashy marketing campaigns have done little for the success of Midland 's new products .
6 Until recently he believed that ‘ the magnificent State of Britain' had done little for the Science upon which her wealth , power and very existence depended ; except to provide security and freedom in a country its citizens could be proud of , and this had indeed been enough .
7 It did little for the image of a man who has been part of the backbone of the team for so long , and was playing in his eighty-seventh Test .
8 But 3p off a litre of petrol will do little for the men at Ford who need their jobs .
9 If a flagrant oversight like this could occur it says little for the prospects of men of lowly status being correctly recorded .
10 Although Nicholas 's victories over the Persians in 1828 and the Ottoman Empire in 1829 had made him temporarily safe from international complications in this area , they did little for the extension of Russian control over the peoples who lived to the north of Georgia .
11 Your mag promotes and encourages all this ; reading an analysis of Joe Satriani 's playing , for example , probably does little for the confidence of most readers ( I myself found it quite stretching at first ! ) .
12 When you pray for us please pray that not only will we all have a safe , energetic yet relaxing holiday but that during the course of the venture our faith in and walk with Jesus will be deepened .
13 We will know by the first of April this year rather more than we know at the moment but you 're right it can go up and down , but there are lots of budgets in Social Services which are subject to this and it 's part of our job to try and manage that during the course of the year .
14 The Kremlin said later that during the course of the conversation , Mr Yeltsin had invited Mr Clinton to a Moscow summit and had also suggested further reductions in nuclear weapons .
15 Both national survey data and smaller in-depth studies now enable us to document at least some of the financial effects of care-giving on women , although we still know very little about the consequences for women who begin or continue to give care in their own old age , or about the experiences of Black women carers .
16 A Disaffection is a problematical book — because of this closeness : we learn very little about how Doyle is seen by companions , very little about the standpoint of those who surround him , those with whom he has his tender and abrasive dealings , with whom he airs his invectives and bitter ironies , with whom he conducts his antagonisms and ingratiations .
17 As Ian Oswald once remarked , we know very little about the function of everyday , waking consciousness , so perhaps it is over-optimistic to believe that we should achieve a complete understanding of sleeping consciousness merely because we have reliable physiological indices of when dreams are likely to occur .
18 ‘ They are young and inexperienced and they come mostly from cities and know little about the problems of rural people .
19 We know little about the way in which workers ' motivations are affected by the creation of a powerful market test .
20 We know that black elderly people , for example , have very little contact with formal social services but we know far too little about the reasons for this .
21 As I can remember very little about the rest of the day I presume that I must have been unconscious most of the time .
22 While women party followers may know little about the history of Nazi Germany , they certainly regard Hitler as a hero and Mein Kampf is available in the bookshop of the largest middle-class shopping centre of San Salvador .
23 The switchgear layout , however , is more sci-fi than ergonomic and very little about the operation of the driving environment seems intuitive .
24 As Scherer concludes , ‘ we know far too little about the methods of goal formation and conflict resolution within large organizations .
25 ‘ The managerial and cultural changes which Scottish companies have introduced in response to the green agenda are not well understood and we can say very little about the effectiveness of these changes . ’
26 Juliet told her mother briefly of what Miss Rose had told them , but said very little about the visit to Kate Maybury , or her own suspicions of her .
27 Gaily knew very little about the ways of church services , and so he sat halfway towards the back , looking at the coffin and the windows full of pale saints carrying lilies and the dust motes in the groin of the roof .
28 Yet , given the reality that a number of children were deprived and neglected and the shortage of sympathetic officials , who could in any case have done little about the causes of such deprivation , it is difficult to known what alternative measures were available .
29 At the moment we know little about the realm of infrasound and how animals exploit it .
30 Despite this agreement we know little about the identity of Glasgow 's property owners , the scale on which they operated , or their social and economic status .
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