Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Gees that bloody car frightened me then !
2 That bird-watcher bloke found 'im … . ’
3 no , no , well when I , when I get it , the thing that gets me going is this , that complete car cost me er six thousand , eight hundred
4 Yet even as the boy fell back , gasping for breath , that strange transformation overcame him again .
5 I 'm on in five minutes , that old ass slowed me down . ’
6 I suppose that simple precept from that old foreman stood me in good stead for thirty odd years , until now . ’
7 That damn' word brought me back to the harsh reality of my situation : not just the discovery of a traitor or bringing a murderer to book but vengeance for Agnes and , of course , the Herculean task which the Great Killer had assigned me !
8 ‘ Forget what that foolish frog told you .
9 That sense of disintegration which he always feared was now all around him ; earlier in 1938 , he had told Martin Browne that public events made him feel that he was working against time and that , in any case , the race might be lost .
10 The only problem was that Rose would then be Chief Inspector unless some awful fate overtook him
11 Leith 's mouth fell open in surprise as she realised that this awful man thought she and Travis were sleeping together .
12 None of this hollow criticism deterred him .
13 Although the result was generally welcomed as a great triumph for the men , some ETS members and some political groups thought they should have held out for even more concessions .
14 This unbelievable sensation hit me , like I was going to explode from the inside out .
15 This broad sketch helped me to explore the crayon 's versatility without using the final painting as a trial piece , it also helped keep the whole composition in mind as I concentrated on a specific detail in the finished painting .
16 Another awful thought struck her .
17 Only after this prompt action did he secure Congressional support , and , close on this , the support of the UN Security Council .
18 Yet the thought of being cooped up indoors for another few hours made her feel almost suicidal .
19 This enforced poverty made them easier targets for propaganda : if they left with no more than their allowance , they could be portrayed as shabby Untermenschen scuttling away like rats ; if they managed to outwit the system , then they were economic criminals fleeing with stolen goods .
20 She 'll blame pressure on him at work , or his being led astray by boozy colleagues , or even kid herself some sleazy bimbo seduced him .
21 Some British colleagues thought it was overweight and underpowered , so after trying a right-hand drive 1.8GL version recently , I looked up with some trepidation what I had said about the car on my voting form six months ago .
22 There were some old aunts left her that and that 's like a museum inside it .
23 Fucking what , I , I 'm , I think it was he 's mum or not , some old biddy gave me a right old .
24 The subject of this exasperated thought sent him a look of enquiry , bringing him back to the present debate .
25 Another unemployed divorcee said he 'd been sitting in his room late one night talking with a fellow inmate :
26 Bad debts and the doubling of rent and rates on this hi-tec factory pushed him into liquidation .
28 This lesser development made it less strong , and — it is argued — accounts for industry 's earlier collapse beginning in the 1960s .
29 On the ferry coming home again a fortnight later , some French boys questioned her about what had happened to her hair .
30 Some buried instinct told her that this was not the fitting end …
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