Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun] [modal v] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They accepted that the state had a duty to uphold morality and that private morality ought to be subject to the law as it affected society .
2 It seems to me that innovative courses could with advantage be handled in virtually the same way .
3 It could be argued however that according to the theory of bureaucracy the Central Bank would operate monetary policy to suit its own needs , and also that monetary policy ought to be operated by a body that is accountable to the electorate ( a central bank is not , although the Bundesbank does not appear to suffer from the above problems ) .
4 Within such broad frameworks as these it also seems likely , however , that political sociologists will in future give more attention to the distinctive cultural traditions and historical experiences , and the specific conditions and problems , which a particular state , or group of states , confronts .
5 It also made a number of exhortations , for example that Parliaments ought to be held frequently , elections ought to be free , and that free speech ought to be guaranteed .
6 Association on this professional level can in the short term , however , certainly secure greater public awareness of the individual firms .
7 Even at the last conclave , in 1978 , this hypothetical cardinal could at most have been only 49 years old .
8 The one possible exception to this general rule used to be the jurisdiction of the court to quash a decision taken within the jurisdiction of the decision taker where an error of law appeared on the face of the record : Rex v. Northumberland Compensation Appeal Tribunal , Ex parte Shaw [ 1952 ] 1 K.B .
9 A holiday travelogue set in some exotic location might on the other hand merit a slightly more expansive style to suit the circumstances .
10 This back-arc zone may of a large marginal basin separating the intra-oceanic island arc from an adjacent continent , or it may be a more complex feature containing one or more remnant arcs , separated from the volcanic arc and each other by interarc basins .
11 But Aoun seems sure that , if he just hangs on regardless , some other miracle will in due course come to the rescue .
12 On that basis , Mr Williamson , and on the basis that you propose and acknowledge others do not accept that this new settlement should at least in this plan period be for about fourteen hundred dwellings , what level of employment land provision can be taken out of the Greater York figure and assumed to be in the new settlement ?
13 Some African coins used to be attributed to the Numidian King Jugurtha ( 118–105BC ) , but the discovery of a hoard at Enna in Sicily in 1966 showed that these coins were actually contemporary with the period of democracy at Syracuse in 214–212BC , and the coins could therefore be redated and attributed to the Carthaginian expedition against Sicily in 213–210 BC .
14 This wider region will in all probability reflect the district , regional or area organisation and/or competition structure of many governing bodies .
15 And this weakened commitment may in turn be a by-product of the intensity of the subject commitments that have been built up elsewhere in the school curriculum .
16 Clearly , each such area ought to be able to make some contribution to analysing George and Marie 's problems .
17 Each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain cell in a universal mind . ’
18 Now , when you find management — the representatives of enterprise and risk capital — standing up in public and saying that they have a responsibility to keep prices stable , or lower them , that individual prices ought to be reported on by a commission , and that profits ought to attract special tax penalties if they exceed a certain level , then it is a sign that either the millennium has arrived or else something is going very seriously wrong indeed .
19 Such official intervention may in theory reduce the degree of exchange rate volatility , and so partially reduce the uncertainty in world trade that might result from a free float .
20 Two such distinct behaviours can at times be observed , either by the participant himself or by an outside observer .
21 So dramatic were the claims for some of these anti-ageing products that there were rumblings to the effect that such powerful preparations ought to be classified as ‘ drugs ’ .
22 Such experimental evidence can of course be extremely valuable , but there may be occasions when it needs to be augmented by observations of children in more natural surroundings .
23 Any tenderness between the two of them would be a sham as far as he was concerned , merely serving to emphasise the absence of love , and perhaps like her he felt that a relationship characterised by so much other feeling ought to be loving as well , that the depth of desire he felt for her should have been merely a facet of love instead of the whole .
24 If they come to power , such institutional changes would of necessity lead to a review of the Arts Council 's role and therefore of the arm's-length principle .
25 Timber workers , meanwhile , wonder whether these political excursions will in fact end by hurting them .
26 The first parts of these Latin names used to be used in naming cations .
27 These 10 places will in the main come from the middle 549 clubs who by their status do not qualify for the Cup .
28 These five factors can in turn be broken down into a number of subsidiary aspects to produce a specific number of questions to be answered in identifying the likely longer-run attractiveness of the industry .
29 ( These two functions ought to be separate .
30 The energetic pursuit of these two policies should in the long run ensure a substantial improvement in the employment situation .
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