Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 The dummy is nonetheless a vital element in the scrum-half 's armoury in order to buy that odd half-second of time ; for example , in a scrum where a flanker or scrum-half is set to pounce as the ball lies at the opposing no.8 's feet , a dummy for the no.9 would ( 1 ) remind the players where the off-side line is , and ( 2 ) buy him an extra second of time to distribute the ball , and ( 3 ) avoid potential injury from being flattened by his opponents and , controversially … ( 4 ) earn the chance of a penalty .
2 That strange zone of time and light between day and night is broken only by bats wheeling and diving across the expanse of the East Coast main line .
3 In the Heinkel , despite the enormous noise , Hess and Edward exchanged a few shouted words from time to time , their faces pressed close together .
4 Even the Yorkshire aristocracy seemed to share this carefree attitude to time .
5 Jump on condition " never " is an instruction whose operation phase does nothing ( but presumably takes some fixed length of time to do it ) .
6 During this monumental length of time , numerous forms of sea-life evolved , flourished , and became extinct , their calcareous bodies forming thin layers in the ever-thickening lime-mud .
7 This letter detector remains active for some brief period of time , until the pattern mask is presented .
8 Perhaps the most distinguishing features of psychological approaches to the study of human development are the assumption of underlying continuities between behaviours at different points in the lifespan , and the attempt to understand how interactions between the individual and the environment at one point in time make possible more elaborate interactions at some later point in time .
9 At some later point in time in this scenario ( especially with the mechanical and then electronic production and reproduction of representations ) , cultural facts would become so pervasive that they would come to challenge ‘ natural facts ’ for hegemony , and would even to some extent constitute the norm .
10 For this brief moment in time nothing else mattered .
11 This atomistic view of time was associated with a drastically contingent and acausal concept of the world , its existence at one instant not implying its existence at any subsequent instant .
13 Precious few people knew where she was at this present moment in time and , besides , Simone had visited only the night before .
14 ‘ I am not some petty chieftain with time on his hands to exchange chatter and gossip .
15 Moments and impressions from this great desert of time remain with me but I have long forgotten in which part of it they occurred .
16 At this very moment in time we are on the verge of having video telephones through which users will be able to see as well as talk to the person at the other end .
17 And finally , surely at this present moment , only four miles east of Harrogate and about three miles east of Ripon the A s A one is at this very moment in time being lifted to an acceptable standard A motorway standard at this stage and not in the year two thousand which is what you 're talking about for this road .
18 So in in response you said that they they were for accuracy and I pointed out to you that that at site thirteen there was a sixty percent error from your forecast for three years hence , nineteen ninety six and what is in fact being achieved at this very moment in time .
19 The whole process can take some considerable length of time which is often underestimated .
20 A machine may well perform these tasks for him for some considerable period of time , but it has come to be accepted that once the brain can be shown to be dead , the machine is not keeping the patient ‘ alive ’ in any accepted sense of the word ; it is merely ventilating a corpse .
21 The author of the book from which this passage is taken ( White 1966 ) situates the beginning of the " great alteration " in dress in 1793 , only four years before Walpole 's death , so that it is hardly likely that anyone could directly perceive such a major change in this short stretch of time .
22 Spending even this short amount of time with him had been a big mistake .
23 The room , the cottage , Ryan , her lack of confidence , all faded ; there was only now , this one moment in time , and nothing in her life had ever prepared her for the feelings she experienced .
24 In effect , these internal stores integrate this small influx over time before periodically releasing the accumulated signal as a regenerative calcium spike .
25 Clearly the most drastic punishment for a firm that has reneged on the collusive agreement would be for the other firms to force it to its security level , either forever or for some specified number of time periods .
26 The one that has n't been in fact to employ somebody particularly perhaps to go out the market theatre but this particular mark in time it 's been very difficult for a theatre to actually find twenty thousand this financial year in fact we had to find seventy thousand pound cuts , that was a very difficult exercise so the answer to your question is we accept that recommendation and as soon as the finance is available we intend to employ somebody to take on that task .
27 ‘ I just do n't think it 's on , quite frankly , at this particular point in time . ’
28 We 'll leave the assertive alone for this particular point in time what are we to do to deal with aggressive , what are we to do to deal with passive .
29 Afterwards , looking back , Sara knew that if she were asked she would put a circle round this evening , this particular point in time , and say , " That 's when the heartache began , " a tiny little pain to begin with , no more than a tremor of consciousness , the veriest pinprick .
30 But we 're looking at it with hindsight , we ca n't just say that because of this this that and the other erm that pragmatism did overrule at this particular point in time .
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