Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun] [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If that unwritten law has been broken then heads will have to roll . ’
2 well that bloody bird 's been again !
3 That bloody bird has been annoying me for days . ’
4 Each path would be expanded in a depth-first , backtrack , depth-first , backtrack pattern until each possible combination had been extended over the poor patch .
5 The second hypothesis is that profitable entry has been deterred by the existence of barriers to entry which have arisen either as a result of actions by the incumbent public sector supplier or as a result of the technical characteristics of electricity supply .
6 But the great legal matters of that historic injustice have been settled .
7 I had thought that the ghastly images of that awful day had been burned forever in the minds of anyone who saw them .
8 At the beginning it appeared as if those who wanted to flog Europe for being an inadequate political animal were going to win , that political union had been put off still further …
9 The United Somali Congress ( USC ) , which drew its support from the Hawiye clan of central Somalia , launched an offensive in late December , while the largest rebel group , the northern-based Somali National Movement ( SNM ) , dismissed as " futile " a government announcement on Dec. 26 that political parties had been legalized with immediate effect .
10 In this short book it is not , of course , intended to provide a complete treatment of these themes , and readers more experienced in the subject will be aware that little space has been given , for example , to the potential of documentary sources or modern methods of study using computers and advanced statistical methods .
11 Published in the comprehensive Oakwood style with maps , illustrations and well laid-out statistical tables this book represents excellent value given that little attention has been lavished on NBR affairs .
12 What is beyond question is that British membership has been good for the EEC ; not only do British taxpayers and consumers bear the cost of the CAP , the CFP , the Common External Tariff and the Cohesion budget , but Britain constitutes an artificial captive market for the exporters of the Eleven .
13 Voice of Vietnam radio announced on March 12 that Bui Tin had been expelled from the CPV and dismissed from his post as deputy editor-in-chief of the party daily Nhan Dan .
14 The unhappy truth is that foreign armies have been marching backwards and forwards across Lebanon for hundreds of years .
15 I was six and a half years the , the minister of Whalsay and Skerries where the first er centre h ha has been built and there was rejoicing in that community that the that social responsibility had been invited by the council to join in this work .
16 But it is clear , too , that social classes have been one of the fundamental elements in political conflict in many other types of society ; that slave rebellions , peasant revolts and the bourgeois revolutions were so many instances of a continuous struggle over the control of the labour process and the appropriation of the products of labour .
17 The general conclusion that emerges from this chapter is that social policy has been a positive force in economic growth though not as powerful a force as some of its protagonists have claimed over the years .
18 It was reported on March 10 that fresh charges had been filed against Enrile which accused him of attempting corruptly to seize control of the country 's coconut industry .
19 Almond and Coleman , for example , tell us that in South-East Asia , ‘ the bureaucracy and the army are positive actors in the political process and not neutral instruments of policy ’ ( p. 145 ) and that public officials have been ‘ a main factor in holding their respective countries together ’ ( p. 131 ) .
20 I mean there have been the usual number of pollution incidents and they seem to increase every year , er and a lot of those to deal with er as you say , I think one of the things which is , which is good is that public consciousness has been raised and people are much more aware of what they drink and what 's in their rivers .
21 It is in the USA that residential preference has been invoked most as an explanation for decentralization ( Berry 1976 ) , perhaps partly as a return to old ideas of the frontier and the rural idyll , as Champion ( 1987 ) suggests .
22 Intelligence sources in West Germany say that efforts to stop the current wave of IRA attacks have not been hampered by rivalries and that different organisations have been co-operating well together .
23 It is because they take to these artificial sites so readily that pied flycatchers have been studied in such detail : breeding in a nest box allows nests to be checked and the adults to be caught and ringed much more easily than if they were in natural cavities .
24 You can also tell at a glance which lines are in use , how long each incoming call has been waiting , and even when each guest is scheduled to leave .
25 Given that this work has been done , the draft schedule can then be examined in the closest detail — and probably torn to shreds .
26 Given that this model has been so widely adopted , de Nevers et al.
27 That carpet that that this house has been the ba best advert for that carpet ever .
28 While little detailed work has been undertaken to date on the nature of these population movements , preliminary research carried out by the investigator in Costa Rica in 1987 with support from the Nuffield Foundation suggests that migration patterns have been strongly differentiated along lines of gender : whereas men have tended to migrate out of Guanacastle , at least on a temporary basis , many women appear to have moved permanently to towns within the region itself .
29 However little detailed research has been undertaken into how these innovations were developed and implemented , and this project will make use of the unique Company Archive of the Thomas cook organisation to investigate the detailed circumstances of product development in a crucial period of the Company 's development from 1850 to 1939 , during which the foundations of the modern tourist industry were laid .
30 Although little detailed research has been carried out in the UK on the effects of financial innovation and structural change upon the appropriate conduct of monetary control , it appears that there is a consensus opinion that the effects of financial change necessitate that monetary policy be conducted in a discretionary manner .
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