Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun pl] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably , few Georgian beerhouses or coaching inns survive in anything like their original form , having been comprehensively extended or altered in subsequent decades .
2 You get some funny bits or going the wrong way .
3 ( If you do n't have either of these , find someone who has and ask them to record a few straightforward patterns or beats at around 80–100 beats per minute on a cassette — it will work just as well . )
4 It is far easier to buy some extra flowers or to pick an additional bunch from your garden , than to explain to someone that you would like to take some of your gift home with you in order to give it back to them again at a later date !
5 If you wear spectacles , how about some new frames or tinted lenses ?
6 In showing off to the raw recruits he might even throw the small plane into such daring bankings or dives that it could n't be manoeuvred out of .
7 Chaucer , writing for an aristocratic audience , would be less inclined to dwell on such incidental details or to consider seasonal variations than Langland , whose central theme at this point in the work was that of hunger .
8 Loving does not cancel out such bad manners or excuse them , and she would not think so either … .
9 Local facilities such as libraries , swimming pools , tennis courts , further education classes , bingo , cinemas , pubs , working men 's clubs , parks , concerts and church services are , in theory , for the use of everyone , and if people with mental disorder live day in and day out inside the confines of a suburban house and never use such local facilities or participate in the life of the community , they might just as well remain behind the walls of an institution .
10 Vertical restraints imposed by the manufacturer can in principle control all these problems or deal with the externalities involved .
11 ‘ Is our school a good school ? ’ is unlikely to draw many negative responses or to provide much insight into the sources of satisfaction or dissatisfaction .
12 On the eve of the first anniversary of the Gulf war , will my right hon. Friend join me in expressing our gratitude to our armed forces , our commitment to the independence of Kuwait and our determination to ensure that Saddam Hussein and his generals comply with all international sanctions or suffer the consequences ?
13 Even more striking , 75% either oppose all territorial concessions or demand an election or referendum before making any , and 69% — with little difference between Labour and Likud voters — want all the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria to remain permanently under Israeli rule .
14 This right should accordingly be amended as follows : The right to free passage and running ( subject to temporary interruption for repair alteration or replacement ) of water sewage gas electricity telephone and all other services or supplies to and from the Premises in and through the Pipes that now ( or at any time during the Term ) serve the Premises presently ( or at any time during the Term ) laid in on under or over other parts of the Centre and ( if any ) the Adjoining Property ( in common with the Landlord and other persons having a like right ) together with the right to enter the other parts of the Centre and ( if any ) the Adjoining Property to make connections to the Pipes and to inspect and repair such connections
15 It stole away all other colours or rendered them purple , black .
16 Napoleon described it as ‘ the most complete harbour in the world ’ and you will agree when you go ashore and walk through those narrow streets or climb to a huge citadel above the bustling town .
17 Section 2 does require that the abnormality of mind should be one ‘ arising from a condition of arrested or retarded development of mind or any inherent causes or induced by disease or injury ’ , but this range of admissible causes is sufficiently general to encourage a broad construction of the defence .
18 Have you , have you been getting any strange looks or have n't you noticed ?
19 Any old spectacles or reading glasses ?
20 We have decided to hand them over ( Gen Keightley is in touch and on good terms with the Russian general on his right ) , but I suggested that the Russians should at the same time give us any British prisoners or wounded who may be in his area .
21 The response of the existing publishers was traditional : they founded their own free weeklies or bought up the newcomers .
22 On a purely practical note , all this added up to quite a bit in value and Ivy Cottage did not appear to have any extra locks or catches at the windows .
23 does the individual have any actual problems or perceive any potential problems with maintaining a safe environment ?
24 This gives one an idea how the print , that is the working on the plate , is progressing and if there are any offending areas or marks these can be removed from the plate by scraping and burnishing the metal .
25 According to the report , the New York-based Lawyers ' Committee for Human Rights had obtained evidence that the 17 had been charged with " vague and broadly worded offences " under a 1965 government decree which outlawed actions " opposing any of the goals of the revolution , or advocating any disorderly acts or publishing false news with the aim of causing disorder " .
26 On the other hand there may be publications on your media list which will be interested in showing the packaging , particularly if it has any unusual features or uses new techniques .
27 He interrupted himself to explain , ‘ I did n't make any false promises or give her a lot of romantic fantasy to persuade her .
28 There is with Article 85(3) , provision for the granting of exemptions by the Commission in the case of beneficial agreements , " … which contribute to improving the production or distribution of goods or to promoting technical or economic progress , while allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit … " , provided that such agreements do not impose any indispensable restrictions or provide the possibility of eliminating competition .
29 Not only had travel been impossible , it felt like ages since she had seen any beautiful clothes or touched any rich materials .
30 He did not gel with Chapman in that niether xepected to do any defensive chores or chasing about .
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