Example sentences of "[det] [verb] in that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It can be seen that B and C both stand in the relation of dominance to E , but neither stands in that relation to the other ; hence , the structure is not a hierarchy , according to our definition .
2 And if you if you compare those diagonal markings with the sorts of markings on on er some of these other stones , these these are a bit diagonal but if you look carefully they go there 're some going in that direction and some are going that direction .
3 As to the poetry , sir , I do not think there is much done in that direction though paper aplenty is screwed up and thrown on the floor .
4 he said is cleaned cos it all goes in that pump thing
5 She insists that we should see God primarily as all loving , and claims that ‘ ’ Love is his meaning'' and that we are all enfolded in that love .
6 I saw armies of beautiful women all heading in that direction . ’
7 How can you all believe in that sort of thing ! ’ she said , picking up a book and pretending to read it .
8 Run ! ’ the officer ordered , and we all rushed in that direction .
9 and er how did they all fit in that house ?
10 Success as a pleader eluded him and , like many counsel in that position , Gloag became a law reporter .
11 The shyness , the hesitancy , the gratitude , all spoke in that face which drew the eye and held it .
12 In one sense , in a report about ‘ environmental scanning ’ , it would be good to be able to report that those engaged in that activity had solved this problem of making the information that they deliver , directly usable by those to whom it is delivered .
13 No. 177 , 1989 , proposed only one minor alteration , the express statement in what is now s.16(2) of the 1968 Act that the pecuniary advantages are solely those stated in that sub-section .
14 Hertfordshire would appear to have little to fear in that direction , for they led the Eastern Division by 16 points with two matches to play .
15 And that presupposes in that calculation , if you were taking the worst case , that that would all be greenfield land .
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