Example sentences of "[det] [verb] to be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 S so was that was that considered to be particularly skilful then ?
2 I do n't dare stop for that wants to be away from him .
3 The intonation on your guitar has got to be perfect , because you 're fretting strings behind the glass and that has to be just right .
4 Even if someone becomes self-confident and inner-directed , that has to be constantly reinforced in the wider society if those attitudes are to be maintained .
5 For instance erm we would give certainly the better M S ones the smaller jobs to project manage , but that has to be very carefully thought about .
6 Yes , I think the answer to that has to be certainly it does .
7 That has to be so . ’
8 That has to be quite an achievement . ’
9 The hangers could in fact go , go in there because that looked to be rather a good hanger , frankly .
10 It is possible to store such an amazing amount of information , but this has to be carefully organised on the disk to make it possible to find files easily .
11 This has to be well compacted before the 20m gravel is laid — to a depth of about 50mm .
12 This has to be so otherwise no one would be willing to buy old bonds .
13 This has to be more traumatic than if we were slowly introduced to the idea .
14 ‘ We are determined to return to profitability during 1993 and I am pleased to say that overall our plans to achieve this appear to be well on course , ’ he said .
15 Once again , this needs to be clearly stated .
16 All of this seemed to be well understood until early this century , because it was explained in terms of Newton 's theory of gravitation .
17 This seemed to be reasonably steady so , taking her courage in both hands , Mildred gave the word : ‘ Down broom !
18 However , this seemed to be more a short term way of preserving individual pride rather than a long term alternative : ultimately they wanted to enter mainstream society , have a job and ‘ settle down ’ .
19 This seemed to be further corroborated when we were invited to join the second phase of a research project being undertaken by the National Foundation for Educational Research and the Further Education Unit .
20 The pity of it is that this happens to be as beautiful a cat as the Sphynx is ugly .
21 Erm this happens to be as well .
22 For instance , to many researchers there does not seem to be a universal cause of depression : some depressions are due to lost love-objects ; some seem to be more constitutionally based .
23 Timing is good ; this tends to be particularly noticeable in recordings such as the Keith Jarrett interpretation of Bach 's Goldberg Variations , which has superbly organic style that is pulled this way and that , but which never spoils the music or prevents it from working .
24 As with record companies , this tends to be twice yearly .
25 Is this going to be enough ?
26 Since there are so many alleged dope smugglers languishing in Mexican jails , some claimed to be unjustly accused , relations between the U.S. and Mexico have been taut of late .
27 But despite Rumens 's wit and some good supporting acting , this gets to be little more than one of those stories that might grace Woman Now 's problems page .
28 These exceptions are important and consideration should be given to inserting them in trust documents although this seems to be rarely done in practice .
29 This seems to be generally true in most other systems of chaotic equations as well .
30 The data we collected leads inescapably to the conclusion that for most of the time nothing happens at all — this seems to be particularly the case in residential settings ( ibid. , p. 58 ) .
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