Example sentences of "[det] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Paradoxically it is the pressure created by the enormous guilt , and by the doomed attempt to deal with it , that builds tension to the point where it is more likely to explode into real physical abuse .
2 Does he agree that to stimulate demand within the United Kingdom home market , where problems exist on the retail side , the industry is entitled to expect some special attention from the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the next Budget , which could include a reduction in or the total elimination of the appalling 10 per cent .
3 Housing , health and social work each provide part of the finance and the management of the project may be by a committee representing all three authorities or may be taken on by one of the participating organisations or by a voluntary body which specialises in carrying for dementia sufferers .
4 That causes part of the increase in social security and part of the increase relating to the transport nationalised industries .
5 Go to the lavatory when you feel the need , do n't try to ‘ hang on ’ , that causes stress to the bladder and may encourage an attack .
6 Each contains part of the truth .
7 That provided support for the regulars in a vital role .
8 That has plausibility in the world of political bargaining .
9 This minimises exposure of the patient to radiation .
10 Messrs Lee and Lee welcome the prospect of Mr Patten 's appointment : the Democrat on the grounds that ‘ he is not just another appeasing sinologist from the Foreign Office ; the conservative because ‘ he carries more weight than the others mentioned , and he has direct access to No 10 ’ .
11 I have also fitted 750 x 16 tyres — how does this affect calibration of the speedo and milometer .
12 How does the change in the supply of money affect the exchange rate , and how in turn does this affect equilibrium in the money market and in the real economy ?
13 This involves discussion between the manager and the subordinates involved in carrying out a decision , but the manager retains the right to make the decision himself .
14 This involves determination of the appropriate amount of resources to be distributed to different parts of the organisation .
15 This involves completion of the first meiotic division , followed by ovulation , fertilisation , and the resumption of the second meiotic division .
16 This involves observation of the skill in practice and during training and discussion with practitioners and trainers .
17 This involves research into the factors influencing both plant and animal production at both the component and systems levels .
18 This involves definition of the job specifications with the client ; laying out a search strategy with the Research Department , the development of potential candidates through sourcing , interviewing , making a final recommendation to the client ; and handling both client and candidate in the delicate final stages of the negotiation to ensure a positive end of the assignment .
19 This made construction of the project more difficult .
20 This avoided conflict between the various institutions of the EC .
21 Indeed , this represents part of the larger problem of ensuring that administrative authorities accord due facilities for representation before the promulgation of rules .
22 This offers support for the idea ( in those practices with at least one partner with a special interest in diabetes ) of concentrating diabetic care on that partner , thus reinforcing that general practitioner 's skills .
23 In this redeveloped wedge of the inner city , monotonous tower blocks dominate the skyline and encircle a cluster of public and commercial buildings : the shops , pub , community centre and local primary schools .
24 This covers imprisonment in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland .
25 This drew opposition from the audience : Timothy Clifford , Director of the National Gallery of Scotland , asked for a rethink of the concept of a pure ‘ picture-gallery ’ , presented without sculpture and decorative arts , while Hiltrud Kier , General Director of Cologne 's Museums , warned against overriding the objections of the Berlin curators , as well as of the Denkmalpflege in charge of the buildings themselves .
26 This provided information on the cultivation of Ananas ( pineapple ) and on the management of stoves and hot walls , and in an addendum many new plants were introduced .
27 There is a strong ethnic community and this causes friction in the community because of the lack of jobs .
28 This causes anger in the mother who interprets it as acting up and being naughty .
29 This causes precipitation of the longest chains first and these can be separated from the shorter chains which remain in solution .
30 This causes pain in the kidney area ( the loins ) .
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