Example sentences of "[det] [noun] as they did " in BNC.

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1 Our cell culture experiments do not support this suggestion as they did not show the synergy between EGF and TAGH that would be predicted , but because of the inhibitory effect of TAGH alone at the concentrations used , they can not refute this possibility .
2 People are paying about the same this year as they did in 1991 , according to industry figures .
3 Well my husband was out o on strike and I 'd erm got two babies , a year and ten months , and I felt that I had to go and get a job and I was desperate so I 'd heard people talking about these things as they did so I thought well I 've got to do something .
4 Cleaning up contamination is wonderfully labour-intensive : some old military sites being cleaned up by the Department of Energy now employ twice as many people as they did at their peak of production .
5 In terms of historical change , manual workers of both sexes work today almost as many hours each week as they did in the late 1930s and early 1940s ; this demonstrates the fact that , where available , overtime is a crucial necessity for the manual worker if he or she is to receive a wage at or above the ‘ average ’ for all manual occupations .
6 People spent as much time watching films on TV each week as they did in the cinema each year , the report said .
7 On the beach a speck moved in the same direction as they did .
8 I understood because I felt the same fear as they did .
9 They watched television with pleasure , but treated its political messages with much the same scepticism as they did ordinary speeches and broadcasts : it did not seem that television had greater persuasive power to mould Zuwaya minds than other media .
10 But our department has n't changed , the women are just doing the same job as they did sixty
11 My only reservation is that the public who use the stand will not be able to see the racing in the same manner as they did from the old open top affairs .
12 I mean , surely the English hens were laying at the same rate as they did in peacetime ?
13 In total , mergers did not occur on quite the same scale as they did in the 1920s — which was equivalent to something like one-third of all firms in manufacturing going out of existence — but they caused the loss of an equivalent of a quarter of all firms .
14 Several Members told me that most still speak in much the same way as they did before the cameras were introduced , and that is certainly my own impression when I watch them on television .
15 The fellows never seemed to rib the other NAAFI girls very much : they joked with them , but not in the same way as they did with Lemon .
16 As outpatient clinics developed in local general hospitals , GPs started to refer patients to consultants in exactly the same way as they did for other medical specialties .
17 Again , this volume offers some insights into people who are motivated to move in retirement and how couples , both of whom were in employment , support each other emotionally after retirement in much the same way as they did before .
18 Solutions to population pressure , differentiation , and declining productivity through soil exhaustion and erosion , which lie outside the agricultural sector altogether , do not offer the same promise as they did in Japan , the USA or the United Kingdom during their industrial revolutions .
19 Orders came in just as easily that way as they did when you strolled around and worked the room as you were supposed to .
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