Example sentences of "[det] [noun] from [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In terms of speed , we found , using the parallel cabling ( and it 's a special cable , so not just any old parallel cable will do ) that response from server to client was as quick as using a native drive .
2 You 'll get little change from £40,000 for the 300SE , the 500SE is expected to sell for around £60,000 while the flagship 600SEL ( the short wheelbase model wo n't be sold in Britain ) is expected to be close to £80,000 — £22,500 more than the rival 750iL BMW .
3 Amongst those who watched and then joined that route from Berkshire to central London was the future co-founder of International Times , Barry Miles from Cheltenham .
4 The net costs of Eagle Lodges appear for the first time in the income and expenditure account and are largely attributable to setting up costs as there was little income from occupancy during 1990 .
5 The BR spokesman said although the end of the direct service from Darlington to Hartlepool was bad news the good was that a new two-hourly service in each direction from Middlesbrough to York and then on to Leeds , Manchester and Liverpool will be introduced .
6 Ostend Ferries : P&O European Ferries ( 0304 203388 ) has up to six sailings a day in each direction from Dover to Ostend , crossing time four hours ; a 60-hour return for a 4.5 metre car and two adults costs from £50 to £89 depending on sailing .
7 P&O European Ferries ( 0304 203388 ) has five sailings a day in each direction from Dover to Zeebrugge : crossing time four and a half hours .
8 Fact File Hook of Holland Ferries : Sealink ( 0233 47047 ) has two sailings a day in each direction from Harwich to the Hook , crossing time around seven hours ; a 53-hour return for a car and two adults costs from £77 .
9 Speakers/discussion on opposing plans to force absent fathers to pay child maintenance whether women want them to or not , and deduct that maintenance from mother on income support .
10 And , of course , they 've got this grant from Artcan for six thousand pound for a proggie mat exhibition .
11 There was some support from respondents from all types of practice for applying the requirement to every firm , whilst others argued it should be limited to smaller firms and/or those in breach of the rules .
12 The British Youth Peace Assembly , a largely Communist gathering , was held in March 1936 , and attracted some support from branches of the Labour League of Youth and from the University Labour Federation .
13 The European Commission has decided that the state aid offered to Digital Equipment Corp at its Scottish plant in Ayr conforms with Community rules , the Irish Department of Enterprise & Employment has had to admit : in a letter to the department , Brussels said ‘ The Commission , with regard to information provided by the UK authorities , considers the regional aid granted to the Ayr plant is in conformity with Community rules and the aid received is within the limits approved by the Commission for this region ’ ; the Irish government had asked for a review of state aid to DEC after it decided to transfer some operations from Galway to Ayr .
14 His dismissal angered senior police chiefs who saw it as yet another concession from Gaviria to drug cartel chiefs , who had surrendered in return for reduced prison sentences [ see pp. 37914 ; 37957-58 ; 38283 ] .
15 But they still received some protection from folk like the English kings who found profit in them , and especially from William Rufus , who seems quite sincerely to have disliked the Church 's intolerance ; and the Church itself strongly condemned violent persecution .
16 Another facoured delivery system , or vector , is adenovirus : this is a bit bigger , and enters the cell via specific receptors that seem to provide some protection from breakdown of the nucleic acid once inside the human cell .
17 Observation of zoo animals and the few accounts from naturalists in the field suggest they are a fairly stormy procedure , consisting of mock chases , vicious swipes of the female 's paw as well as obvious kisses and caresses .
18 For some policemen and women , their family is very important indeed , and , as a later chapter on stress demonstrates , the family can function as a tension release mechanism and an escape from police work , so that ordinary policemen and women tend to protect this preserve from infringement by outsiders , whether social researchers , senior police managers , the IRA , or the public .
19 Several passes of affection from them to her young ladies brought passes of another kind from Sister to all offenders .
20 The strength of a full Commando varied with some reorganisation from time to time ( see Appendix 2 ) but in November 1942 the establishment was 24 officers and 435 other ranks ( enlisted men ) .
21 Got involved and cooled it down a bit and er and found some of the people some premises , and I think got them some money from Duke of Edinburgh award scheme or something , to buy music music equipment .
22 He was something of an experimentalist , being particularly interested in glanders ( he claimed success in some cases from treatment with cantharides ) and in the circulatory system .
23 It is important to value highly this provision from God to build up the church .
24 he 's a lot better though he got them tablets , he got some tablets from doctor on Monday when he went
25 We are half an hour from Cardiff and two and a half hours from London along the M4 .
26 Situated about one and a half hours from Avignon by car on the Route Nationale to Carpentras .
27 quite away beyond just trading standards issues to cover for example , things like fund control , matters are concerned with the district council and er environmental issues erm and I am able to anxious to get some views from authorities including the County Council so that it can form a debate and discussion with central government about possible wa , was forward .
28 Coal demand is likely to fall by some 10% from loss of heating and industrial sales , balanced by some increase in supplies to the electricity industry .
29 This extract from English for ages 5 to 16 : Proposals of the Secretary of State for Education and Science published by the British government in 1989 as a consultative paper for the planned National Curriculum in England and Wales is an appropriate place to begin a consideration of the institutional framework in which we study Renaissance literature .
30 The Tibetan Plateau , located between the Himalayan and Karakorum ranges to the south , and the Kunlun and Altyn Tagh ranges to the north , is a roughly triangular area some 1000km from north to south and 1700km from east to west ( Fig. 3.21 ) .
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