Example sentences of "[det] [noun] that [pron] has " in BNC.

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1 But he 's been telling members of the Environmental Protection Committee this afternoon that he has every confidence in the steps that Thames Water has taken to prevent an recurrence of the events of eighteen months ago .
2 It 's only in the last few years that everyone has begun talking seriously about fibre in diet , although those who have always eaten a breakfast that includes all-bran have known for years about the virtues of fibre .
3 Father Andrew , the saintly co-founder of the Society of the Divine Compassion , wrote to one of his many correspondents : ‘ To me it is one of me most hopeful things of this epoch that it has produced C. S. Lewis . ’
4 It is from this stance that there has been much recent emphasis on subject depth in the training of teachers , and a virtual embargo on teaching for those with degrees in subjects ‘ not on the school timetable ’ .
5 I 've got to go back and it takes me sometimes twice , sometimes three times when you get all this rubbish that he has to take round .
6 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
7 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
8 The 18-year-old from Dinas Powys , currently Britain 's best young player , learned this week that she has won a place at St Hilda 's College for September 1991 to study physiology and psychology .
9 I 've got this feeling that she has given it to Sophie
10 There have been so many taboos surrounding some kings that it has been difficult , if not impossible , to find anyone to be successor , for the taboos lead to total social isolation of the ruler .
11 The decision in 1990 by Britain to join the ERM was , indeed , not the first time this century that she has tried to defend herself from the possible consequences of wrong decisions by her own politicians by linking herself to those made by politicians in another country , through the mechanism of a fixed or managed exchange rate .
12 So continuous is this precipitation that it has earned itself the name of ‘ marine snow ’ .
13 ‘ It 's some consolation that it has been found but it 's a shame it could n't be retrieved in time for Remembrance Sunday .
14 The insidious growth of statutory planning restrictions , since the.first real control was introduced forty years ago , has increased with such rapidity that it has often been difficult to keep abreast of new legislation without concentrating exclusively on this aspect of the development process .
15 But I wish to record at once that , in my opinion , it is of such importance that it has a powerful bearing upon the consideration by your Lordships of the central question in the case .
16 ‘ I ca n't pretend that I have found it a burden of such onerousness that it has disturbed what I have needed to do in my company , ’ he commented this week .
17 ( 4 ) A payment may be made on such terms that it has been agreed , expressly or impliedly , by the recipient that , if it shall prove not to have been due , it will be repaid by him .
18 So you have to beware of blind alleys like that ; from personal experience , there are loads of these styles that no-one has ever asked me to play . ’
19 It is mainly as a result of these changes that there has been a decisive reversal in rural demographic patterns ( see figure 4. 1 ) .
20 Individually they are slow ; the characters are wafer thin and have little individuality ; there is no evidence that the author is excited by language ; there is little evidence that she has a developed sense of humour .
21 As we pointed out earlier , the kind of model for insider evaluation that Shipman proposes has a long history and there is little evidence that it has been significantly displaced by newer alternatives .
22 The town has always been a primary IRA target but this is the first time in many years that it has singled out the commercial centre .
23 It is a point made so many times by so many people that it has almost lost its meaning : even if all children went to the same nursery , primary and secondary schools , their examination performance and hence their entry to higher education establishments and eventually to well-paid jobs will still vary according to their family background .
24 We have heard on the television that there will be another and there are lots of people who are in , in absolute despair , because of what happened to their houses and their properties and their furniture and everything else and I think it is only right and proper and I can only say that West Sussex County Council has by so many people that it has
25 How does this particular religious tradition shape up at the end of the twentieth century , particularly in the context of those challenges that it has faced over the last hundred and fifty years from movements in secular thought like Darwinism , Marxism and Positivism ?
26 If the seller honours the express remedies , the buyer will have to prove any loss that he has suffered in addition to that covered by the clause , subject to the ordinary common law rules relating to remoteness .
27 Barnett will however know in his own mind that he has to replace the 2,000 runs scored by the departed Azharuddin if Derbyshire are to be effective challengers .
28 Because of the uncertainty of the outcome of future attempts to develop and test a research programme , it can never be said of any programme that it has degenerated beyond all hope .
29 That uncertainty will mean that the City of London will lose any aspirations that it has to accommodate the central European bank .
30 If obscenity laws were really about sexual conformity , their Report continued , then ‘ no Royal Commission could … draw an intelligible line between what is acceptable and what is not acceptable … [ nor could ] such a Commission find any evidence that anyone has been corrupted or … depraved by pornography ’ .
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