Example sentences of "[det] [noun] was [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Matrimonial legal aid cost £61 million in 1983–84 but little money was available for independent conciliation services or to help couples to consider the options available to them and to separate , if necessary , without severe conflict and distress .
2 This support was available for up to eighteen months , after which time the local service agency assumed full responsibility for the service .
3 OLD , NEW , BORROWED , BLUE Fender ‘ 62 Vintage Re-issue This guitar was responsible for a spontaneous ‘ down tools ’ when it arrived here last week .
4 It was increasingly obvious that government action of some kind was essential for the improvement of the housing situation .
5 This technique was ideal for allowing teachers to think through and discuss their ideas and philosophies in relation to the important issue of question .
6 But this friction was beneficial for the students , as they not only learnt a rigorous method of representation but also were exposed to more liberal attitudes .
7 This department was responsible for the eventual establishment of school clinics throughout the country , but only slowly and after considerable controversy .
8 This effect was greater for subjects reading aloud than for silent reading and larger again for subjects who were led to expect a test on what they had read .
9 Both underweight and overweight women had a lower chance of becoming pregnant than women with normal weight , although this effect was greater for the obese than for the lean women .
10 This effect was symmetrical for the two visual fields , suggesting that there is no hemisphere difference in persistence of the icon .
11 The existence of radiocarbon in nature was predicted before it was detected , and this prediction was sufficient for an American scientist called Willard Libby to perceive the basis of a dating method .
12 One interesting finding of this exercise was that for each age group the age of the healthy person approximated to the individual 's broad cohort group .
13 The number of visits was strongly related to the number of visitors : of those with less than five visitors , a quarter had a hundred or more visits , but this proportion was three-quarters for those with five or more visitors .
14 Mostow & Hayes-Roth ( 78 ) found that this formalism was inappropriate for many speech tasks .
15 This difference was significant for those with mild to moderate disease but not those with severe disease .
16 The Division of Neuropharmacologic Drug Products disagree ; but this group was responsible for originally approving the use of the 0.5 mg dose in the USA , over the objections of the FDA 's own monitors .
17 This match was notable for being as much a battle against the elements as the opposing team .
18 But most crucial was the fact that ICI itself became sceptical that this development was good for either the site or its image .
19 He enclosed a paper of questions to be put to them if any such were located and clearly this request was responsible for a report Sir Daniel had compiled on his own account about the Coniston mines that same year .
20 Twice this rate was applicable for the President and his lady , or the appropriate double room rate if less .
21 ( In 1940 there were only four entries so it was cancelled ) , but presumably this arrangement was unsatisfactory for in 1952 John Chalcraft bought it from the Club for £15 .
22 This arrangement was convenient for the taxman , but unfair .
23 This pattern was apparent for all four solicitors , but it was most marked for solicitor B ( the suburban practitioner ) and least marked for A ( the central metropolitan solo practitioner ) and D ( the practitioner in the large provincial firm ) .
24 This space was purpose-built for exhibitions , and this should remain its primary function .
25 During heavy air attack , this trestling was invaluable for shoring up damaged bridges , arches and buildings .
26 This pessimism was responsible for his decision to discontinue the publication of the Criterion in January 1939 .
27 The timing of this rejection was unfortunate for Franco , for nothing would have suited him better than to have been able to announce Spanish membership of the international winners ' club on the morning of the ninth anniversary of the 18 July rising .
28 This assumption was necessary for the commonly held view that complex syntactic forms ( like negatives , passives and interrogatives ) might be constructed by applying transformational rules to simpler syntactic forms .
29 He too repeated the assertion that a corporation could not sue for libel in respect of a charge of corruption because it can not be guilty of corruption , but this assertion was unnecessary for his decision in the case and was obiter .
30 This information was available for any chosen data set .
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