Example sentences of "[det] [noun] make [pers pn] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 For your first flight , choose a day with some wind to make it easier to keep the wings level and to keep the glider straight .
2 This assumption makes it easier to understand some of the sudden political changes in south-eastern Britain .
3 Having fewer suppliers makes it easier to move towards just-in-time delivery of components .
4 The slightly more manageable numbers in each service make it easier to spot visitors and relate to one another .
5 Next year we 'll certainly be back and we 've certainly got a lot more plans to make it better . ’
6 Look again later — has evaporation made them smaller or has more rain made them bigger ?
7 It needed more lights to make it brighter .
8 What it should have told them is that terrorism makes it harder , not easier , to gain a hearing in a democracy .
9 She answered her own question to make it easier for Clarissa 's essential information .
10 Together they negotiate a solution to the problem , the first speaker A asking the second B to repair the term by making it more specific , and the second several times repairing his own explanation to make it clearer ( capitals indicate stress ) :
11 I do n't want any rows to make it worse for him . ’
12 It did something about corruption , by bringing in a new civil-service law which makes officials more accountable for their actions while at the same time making them freer of party patronage .
13 But it continues to be developed , and each refinement makes it simpler and speedier .
14 Whatever its cause , that decline makes it harder to lay blame for any recent severe weather on El Chichón .
15 It was most probably the closeness to the river that was the deciding factor in choosing the site , for the state of the roads at that time made it easier to travel by water .
16 These will in most cases make it easier for tax exiles to acquire a foreign domicile .
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