Example sentences of "[det] [noun] but he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Anders is not in that category but he has other things to offer .
2 He offered the policeman some tea but he declined .
3 Clint may have felt some pity but he did n't want her back .
4 I told him I would call at the house this evening but he said he 'd prefer to come here .
5 Symbols , according to Gandhi , are a necessity for the religious life of some people but he insists that there is nothing inferior in conceiving of God in personalized terms .
6 Sharpe has been down with a calf strain this week but he trained yesterday and does not look in danger .
7 The Minister of State , Scottish Office was present during the opening speeches of this debate but he has since disappeared and has not returned since .
8 Billy had certainly been making some enquiries but he had been misinformed , Danny thought .
9 She had wanted to see him wake to the possession of all this beauty but he watched its passing impassively , stirring only to ask practical questions .
10 Skipper Michael believes it 's too early to say how well Strabane will perform this year but he insists confidence is high .
11 Earlier this year Cardinal Glemp repudiated this agreement but he has now been prevailed upon to honour it .
12 She went to sleep , she was so heavy that he thought he could barely carry her another step but he got her home and set her down in the warmth of the kitchen .
13 It could not be done on this day and at this spot but he had heard and seen enough of the bouldery , rocky , unstable earth treachery of the district to know that it was possible .
14 They wanted him to like this house but he did n't , and he was n't saying so just so they 'd feel better .
15 It had taken Carlson some time but he believed that he had finally worked out who was responsible for the ritualistic murders on the planet .
16 He went home feeling better than he had done for some time but he died suddenly during sleep 3 days later , presumably from a breakthrough cardiac arrythmia .
17 ‘ Well , it seems he dived from the terrace and no one took much notice but he hit his head on the way down .
18 Erlich did n't understand much Greek but he got her drift .
19 He had not got very much information but he had got all that she could offer , he was sure of that .
20 He did n't eat much food but he drank more rum than usual .
21 There were no children of either marriage but he had a stepdaughter from each .
22 But he finds out all these things but he does n't tell you and you keep getting killed and you think I wonder if I could do it
23 He had his answer to questions about the events of that morning but he had not prepared an answer to any others .
24 Yes , he did commit suicide on that bridge but he drank from a bottle of lysol which would mean a swift but painful end .
25 Which yeah I said well there 's nobody else , I said they get on and you say I want more money but he said it 's a nightmare .
26 The doctor offered Rose slimming tablets to help her lose even more weight but he said he was not very hopeful that she would lose it from her legs .
27 The king ate several more lettuces but he got no better .
28 He has visited Britain several times but he has never been even close to being caught and I am pleased about that .
29 He might be strong in his own opinions but he did not go haring off on his own .
30 He had seen her fall with his own eyes but he doubted any other witness would have disagreed with the description .
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