Example sentences of "[det] [noun] for [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The suspect has little opportunity for demonstrating his or her innocence against any one of a medley of permissive street powers .
2 Quite a few cans of Coke and things like that , quite a few cans for relieving yourself !
3 Not long ago a performer in Paris won some notoriety for employing her vagina to swallow , and then powerfully eject , table tennis balls and the history of the seamier side of nightlife around the world is littered with accounts of vaginas that have played harmonicas or smoked cigarettes .
4 He offers them another unsettling peacemaking idea ; they invent another excuse for turning it down .
5 Not because I directly res have some responsibility for representing our membership within the Health Service , but because as I said earlier this is my Health Service , this is your Health Service , it 's our families ' Health Service that we have enjoyed the benefits since nineteen forty eight .
6 The Exchequer 's secondary function was the payment of the King 's debts ; provided that the King had some money for discharging them , it performed this task efficiently but slowly .
7 Say give our our some money for doing me hair .
8 He could have found some excuse for downgrading her .
9 My feeling is that what we ought to do is preserve areas of countryside without having to have this excuse for doing it .
10 As there are few opportunities for making it by oneself , a great deal of the effort of those in low-income groups goes into working out how they can maximize their income within the existing rules .
11 And he blamed another girl for getting him into the drugs scene .
12 It was Lennon 's first straight acting role and was coolly received , but it provided another vehicle for promoting his vision of a world free of war and nuclear weapons .
13 She could n't remember ever having met anyone with quite this capacity for rousing her to anger , she thought abstractedly .
14 Tottenham had to thank another youngster for keeping them in a position to fight back .
15 A boring time is ahead , so you 'll need to think out some ideas for keeping yourself amused .
16 A competition is another device for promoting your product or services by name in terms of both write-up and pictures .
17 This desire for knowing one 's place , even at the level of physical location , was very marked within the Rowdies group .
18 Take this craze for making everyone a shareholder .
19 But even if the Church takes this controversial step , there remains the fact that it has few structures for evaluating its chief resource .
20 The recent Toyne Report ‘ Environmental Responsibility , An Agenda for Further and Higher Education ’ , commissioned by the DoE and the Welsh Office states , ‘ Everybody has some scope for doing his or her job in a more environmentally responsible way , and needs to understand the importance of this … but may well need more than this , either because they have been given specific responsibilities within their organisation , or simply because their organisation 's environmental impact is heavily dependent on the way they carry out their day-to-day tasks , and on the decisions which they have to take . ’
21 If green shoots are now appearing , the media is entitled to claim some credit for watering them .
22 He chose this occasion for announcing his retirement from the Treasurership which he had held for thirty years .
23 Against this background we have outlined some of the problems with current league tables and made some suggestions for improving their construction and interpretation .
24 Depending on how it is achieved , natural language indexing based upon the full text of a document may be very detailed ; alternatively , it may establish some mechanism for deciding which terms are the most important in relation to a particular document .
25 She did not thank this nun for making her the centre of attention .
26 While recommending this tip for storing your favourite magazine , we feel commercially obliged to bring to everyone 's notice the binders which Woodworker sells for £6.95 .
27 I got a reward comin' from this gent for coppin' yer .
28 She had known all along that DeVore would have some reason for helping her out .
29 There was some reason for having it there .
30 What this means is that B should have raised the substance of his Convention claim under any domestic procedure which was capable of giving him a remedy , including any avenues of appeal , unless , according to Commission practice , there were some reason for excusing him from doing so .
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