Example sentences of "[det] [noun] he seem [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At this period he seems to have directed works on the university church of Great St Mary 's , from the tower begun in 1491 until 1514 .
2 He 'd never had any particular fear of darkness , but over the past few weeks he seemed to have grown more and more nervous at night .
3 Nolan lists some diseases he seems to have more success with than others : arthritis , migraine , bad backs , depression , ME .
4 This year he seems to have got it just about right .
5 Indeed , when a male is following a female at this time he seems to produce this ‘ chuntering ’ sound almost continuously .
6 There were many kinds and each day he seemed to notice more .
7 According to his biographer , Henry Bordeaux , even when he landed he remained in a trance ‘ as if electrified by the fluid still passing through his frame ’ Though through so many dogfights he seemed to bear a charmed life , this kind of nervous impulsiveness seemed bound to lead to disaster .
8 This circumstance encourages me to hope that you may , if you have any opening for such a youth , be willing to take George , who is exceedingly desirous of obtaining the situation — or indeed any situation which through industry and a desire of improvement may hereafter insure a creditable independence ; but , above all things he seems to wish that it may be possible for you to take him into a situation similar to that which was offered to his Brother .
9 ‘ I must say that from all reports he seems to know his business . ’
10 At several points he seems to use the terms interchangeably .
11 In the cause of historical justice , it should be noticed how he seemed always to feel obliged to express caution about too readily assigning to the cosmical redshift all the attributes of an ordinary velocity shift ; at the same time he seemed to wish not positively to offer any alternative treatment .
12 At one and the same time he seemed to accept every word and yet to be stricken with fear .
13 At that stage he seems to have cut his natural philosophy from the worsted cliches of a poor childhood : ‘ never rely on anybody else ’ , ‘ make yourself independent as soon as you can ’ , ‘ put a bit by for a rainy day ’ , ‘ do n't let the good times run away with you ’ .
14 I am not sure if Sir Henry Wood conducted it , for at that time he seemed to conduct only the first item of a concert , and then ceded the podium to Basil Cameron .
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