Example sentences of "[det] [noun] he [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Each Tuesday he meets his unelected Cabinet , the Executive Council , and they approve — ‘ rubber stamp ’ is how critics describe it — legislation passed on by the Civil Service .
2 After a few minutes he raised his head and was now sitting motionless , pale and haggard but controlled , while Iris , her eyes moist with sympathetic tears , stood silently and helplessly by .
3 ‘ I do n't care about the baby , ’ Philip said , and with those few words he doomed his unborn son .
4 Legal & General 's Michael Payne says that over the next few years he expects his fund ‘ will grow more in Europe at the expense of UK equities , ’ particularly now that entry into the ERM has reduced the currency risk .
5 In this post he continued his excursions into China , and in 1897 was appointed resident correspondent of The Times in Peking .
6 At this point he announced his disillusionment with Marxism , and began to express right-wing views .
7 The raid netted him £500 million and over the next few weeks he made his strategy clear .
8 Undeterred , this week he committed his currency to the European exchange-rate mechanism , where despite the lack of gold reserves it appears to be managing bravely .
9 In this poem he thanks his benefactor for obtaining his release after ‘ Well nigh sev'n years ’ of captivity :
10 ‘ Teach me to live , that I may dread/The grave as little as my bed ’ , he had written ; in this spirit he carried his shroud in a portmanteau and put it on a few days before his death at Longleat in 1711 , which his friends considered to have been advanced by his fasting and mortifications .
11 Like many experts in this line he finds his days are taken up by writing and talking about gardening , with precious little time left to get down to the gardening himself .
12 He walks beyond fatigue , beyond the limits of endurance and the frontiers of self , and somewhere along this path he loses his balance , falls off the edge of his sanity , and out here beyond his mind 's rim he sees , for the first and only time in his life , a vision .
13 In this way he re-establishes his image as an altogether innocent victim .
14 This year he hopes his latest designs will take his charity total to £45,000 .
15 At this time he acquired his sensitivity of touch which proved to be invaluable later in his career .
16 This time he plunged his arm in up to the elbow .
17 STAN FLASHMAN went crazy again yesterday — but this time he attacked his own Barnet players , branding them ‘ greedy bastards ’ .
18 Just about this time he put his hand into his jacket pocket and found the two bills from Mouncy Street .
19 To some extent he acted his subjects on the page .
20 In this context he formulates his now familiar , if still empirically untested , distinction between ‘ restricted ’ and ‘ extended ’ professionality .
21 At this stage he discussed his plans more fully with his bank manager who was duly impressed with the professional approach taken by Tack .
22 He was born in Capel Curig in 1906 , and in that village he spent his whole life .
23 He did n't tell us how much money he earns and he did n't tell us how much money he gave his wife when he was married to her and was looking after his own children .
24 To forestall any such eventuality he bent his head down towards the rug and growled into it , as loudly as he dared , ‘ One move from you and you 're a goner , ’ underlying the threat by prodding the body with his boot .
25 Now and then he was addressed in Anglic , either by the Khan or by one of his neighbours at the table , and in such cases he did his best to answer politely .
26 Like many such people he spent his tender years caddying .
27 Businessman Ravi was in so much pain he cancelled his booking on the doomed airbus — which crashed in the Himalayas killing 113 people .
28 At the end of such evenings he found his own bed alone , walking through blackened courts where once Saracen climbers had run with fire among the poisoned and the dying .
29 And at that point he made his chair tip over because he did n't know any either .
30 The jokes and the conversations end abruptly with ‘ But this is worshipful society ’ and at that point he shows his real toughness and ambition .
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