Example sentences of "[det] [noun] because it 's " in BNC.

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1 Erm let's just take that chain in each case because it 's it is a
2 The one up the main road — I do n't like taking that route because it 's colder and there 's alot of traffic .
3 ‘ I want double for shoeing that horse because it 's a bad one . ’
4 ‘ People will want see this picture because it 's damn good , ’ she said , checking her make-up in the vanity mirror .
5 They chose this room because it 's the nearest the backstairs .
6 I said I did n't want to get on to this area because it 's you know , we could go on all night discussing whether this , well whether that .
7 I suggest you use this version because it 's one of the easier ones to calculate .
8 Fo four door but there 's some problem because it 's their .
9 maybe this year because it 's you know the first kind of year of it
10 I think we 've really got to do something about it and hold a proper supervisory and see what 's going to go on this year because it 's , it gets worse .
11 The , they 'll be thousands of applicants to do physiotherapy this year because it 's the in thing
12 For example , you take some cheese back to a shop and say , ‘ I 'm returning this cheese because it 's mouldy and I 'd like a refund . ’
13 Keep repeating , ‘ I 'm returning this cheese because it 's mouldy and I 'd like a refund . ’
14 this is the trouble with this country because it 's has has
15 The one thing that I do want to talk about here , however , in some detail because it 's important , is how Freud thinks that this matters to an analysis of modern feelings and attitude to incest .
16 so that I could actually enjoy it more this time because it 's in , so much of a blur when you get married the first time that you 're caught up with it and you do n't really see what happens , I would like to get married all over again .
17 Yeah , I mean we , we 've turned to thirty three this time because it 's a thirty three seater
18 It 's a big subject but I 'm in a sense referring to it only in this context because it 's precisely in these areas that British art in the twentieth century has been very important .
19 It 's smashing walking along this track because it 's firm underfoot and the views back to Malham and over to Great Scar and Attermire are worth nine out of ten in anybody 's book .
20 ‘ You ca n't sell something on that basis because it 's vacuous and vapid and would never sustain on a weekly basis .
21 The you see these days because it 's there one minute and then it 's
22 I would 've , me brother and I would 've got a pub in erm excuse me asking these questions because it 's a bit vague , you know
23 Y you 'll see amongst the plans that you 've , you 've got before you , plan number seven actually , should n't really be with these papers because it 's not a proposal for approval , but it does show the extent of the work that 's been done and the key element there is that there are these speed cushions I mentioned earlier on as a possible way forward there , which has been in consultation .
24 And then I come down to Kerry all winter because it 's not good for me to stay up there myself all winter and I have got good lodgings here .
25 Our admissions policy and er , er pre- establishments throughout the education department certainly takes account of erm single parents ' situations , particularly the stress that 's involved in bringing up parents in that respect because it 's it 's the stress that 's involved rather than
26 all that rubbish because it 's I mean the hoover 's
27 They 're the times when when actually look at which ones we 'd use remember the strengths in these some of the biggest yes you can go into greater detail you can see the reaction face to face you 'll get feedback straight away verbal as well as non-verbal er you know immediately what the answer is if there 's if you 're waiting for some sort of reply to it , you 'll have more effect because it 's face to face erm , cheap on material but it 's expensive on time you do n't have a formal written record and it can be very time consuming .
28 well done , I never can get that word out I stumble with it every time and that gets a signal from the brain that says this is a difficult situation this is something I 'm not used to this is some I it 's very primitive it 's it 's from the days in the jungle or whatever er a fear of fright over absolute it 's fight or flight , and that 's why you start breathing quicker because the blood wants more oxygen because it 's ready to run or to fight because the muscles , it is
29 In a way I wish we had n't re-released that song because it 's not that strong .
30 But wrap up well before you go through that garden because it 's enough to freeze you out there .
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