Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [ex0] be for " in BNC.

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1 John Yeudall , who 's been involved in the Community for many years as worker , chairman and elected member said " My feelings about it being stripped is how very little building there is for just so much emotion and feeling in it .
2 But the Whigs had miscalculated how much sympathy there was for the High Church position .
3 It is then possible to see how much room there was for choice of strategies in terms of competitiveness and jobs .
4 For if , as I suggested , the enormous vitality of the language of Ulysses can , among other things , make us smile and even laugh out loud , that fact alone will underscore how little room there is for laughter in the earlier texts .
5 The evidence produced by the major enquiries which took place between 1816 and the 1840s has been variously treated by historians , but what little evidence there is for the earlier mills seems uniformly bleak .
6 In the ninth century a German monk , Walahfrid Strabo wrote : No man can say , no man remember , how many uses there are for Oil of Roses as a cure for mankind 's ailments . ’
7 Mark , did your letter say how many tickets there were for this game ?
8 It would be niggling to say that where a writer has used assistants his data cease to be primary , but it would also be foolish to ignore the fact that the more people there are involved in a project , the more opportunities there are for errors to creep in .
9 Goram , exceptional throughout his reintroduction to the side , was forced to muddy his tracksuit bottoms in response to the first of Amokachi 's many attacks on the break and the more Rangers pressed forward , the more gaps there were for the Belgian side to exploit from a midfield they dominated .
10 Although self-image does not obsess me as it once did , my interest continues and I find it exciting how fashions and looks have changed ; how many more possibilities there are for creativity and self-expression via clothes and image .
11 The greater the contribution of context in the sense of shared knowledge and experience the less need there is for grammar to augment the association of words .
12 The more categories that are used , of course , the less room there is for category error .
13 Yet the more heavily regulated the market is , and the greater the restrictions on the property rights given to suppliers , the less scope there is for the benefits of competition to emerge at all .
14 Unless one of the steps in the review machinery is the service of a counternotice by the person upon whom the review notice is served , it is better not to stipulate for a particular form of notice because the fewer the requirements that have to be complied with the less scope there is for litigation .
15 The more highly organised and consciously efficient foreign offices became , the less scope there was for the individual who did not fit easily into these bigger and more complex machines .
16 But they also have certain weaknesses , for the more exact one tries to become about functions , the more slippery they become , and the more scope there is for variation and disagreement .
17 And , as I have said before , the further away we get from the original blueprint formula , the more scope there is for books that do less in some directions and perhaps more in others than the standard design would seem to indicate as being possible .
18 The more time they took , the more time there was for a crowd to gather .
19 The more time and energy you give to developing residencies in hospitals and working with other people the less time there is for your own work .
20 What little excitement there was for the colourful Cagliari crowd of 30,000 came from the Italian midfielder Giannini .
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