Example sentences of "[det] [noun] ['s] [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In general , it 's wise to think of each term 's tuition fees as costing from £1300 to £1600 ( prices current in 1989/90 ) .
2 These describe in some detail each department 's spending plans , its aims and objectives and various output measures against which performance is assessed .
3 The raison d'être for W5A030 in the first place was that Mercedes ' transmission engineers prefer continuously variable transmission to anything else .
4 Mutual distrust in Germany had , it is clear , bred a situation in which each side 's peace proposals had no chance of being accepted by the other .
5 John Prescott , Labour 's transport spokesman , made a blistering attack on the Government 's under-investment in rail , and promised that Labour 's transport policies would be geared to preventing environmental damage .
6 These poltroons seems to think that it 's a big deal to hoist a few pints of Smithwicks after an afternoon spent with their heads stuck up some geezer 's back passes .
7 Our photographer Roger Phillips found some dryad 's saddle fungi growing outside the kitchen window .
8 To approach it informally , suppose that we spend time and arrive at a thorough understanding of the ordinary operation of this Citroen 's windscreen wipers .
9 The Company is committed to continuing to supply around half Scotland 's electricity needs , which means a new power station to take over from Hunterston B when it finally shuts down .
10 Atlas Converting Equipment jumped 60 to 585p , buoyed by some directors ' share purchases .
11 Geoff Boycott is one of an 11-strong coaching team assembled by the England manager , Micky Stewart , to help prepare this winter 's touring sides to West Indies and Zimbabwe .
12 Some people expect that in a few decades ' time youngsters will learn from their home tutor computers and rarely , if ever , have contact with a human teacher .
13 Dr Rydell 's car was fitted with a bat detector tuned to this bat 's echolocation calls , enabling individuals to be located up to 50 metres away .
14 It intends to use its contacts with architects , builders , joiners , electricians etc to provide a building and hopefully also assist in raising income for the first few years ' running costs .
15 The epilogue to this evening 's survival devotions was , strange as it may seem , exactly as I should have expected it to turn out , I do not remember when I missed — or at what stage — my flight engineer , but when I returned to camp and was literally wallowing in what the High Master at Command had to say to me .
16 When asked what happened , 62% said they were touched in a sensual way ; 42% experienced someone touching their sex organs ; 33% were masturbated ; 28% were forced to show their sex organs to another person ; 25% were shown another person 's sex organs ; 24% touched another person 's sex organs ; 21% were talked to about sex in an erotic way ; 21% were shown pornographic material ; 16% took part in oral sex ; 10% were flashed at in a public place ; 5% were involved in sexual intercourse ( sometimes including anal sex ) ; and 3% were involved in kissing in a sensual way .
17 When asked what happened , 62% said they were touched in a sensual way ; 42% experienced someone touching their sex organs ; 33% were masturbated ; 28% were forced to show their sex organs to another person ; 25% were shown another person 's sex organs ; 24% touched another person 's sex organs ; 21% were talked to about sex in an erotic way ; 21% were shown pornographic material ; 16% took part in oral sex ; 10% were flashed at in a public place ; 5% were involved in sexual intercourse ( sometimes including anal sex ) ; and 3% were involved in kissing in a sensual way .
18 The title of the book is a translation of this god 's opening words ‘ Parlay Cheval Ole ’ when he ‘ mounts ’ or possesses someone .
19 It is , however , harder to explain purely in the context of the theory of contestable markets why some firms ' eurobond operations have continued to be successful while others have been unable to establish themselves , why there has been no significant decline in market concentration over time despite continual new entry , and why profitability has declined so steeply .
20 Please can you tell me where I may purchase some dog 's tooth violets .
21 And some dreams , I 'm not saying Katherine 's is , I 'm sure it is n't , but , but some people , some people 's anxiety dreams are of that kind .
22 Some people 's behaviour changes after they have suffered a stroke .
23 How it was then : this month 's currency conversions
24 This month 's currency conversions
25 According to a report in this month 's Modem Railways an all-electric tilt will replace the present hydraulic system .
26 This month 's test cars — the BMW 518i and the Mercedes Benz 190E 1.8 — are the latest variations of popular model ranges .
27 She would n't know how to use a real weapon ( fnar fnar ) , so they sent me a to sharpen my axe on this month 's adventure offerings .
28 Colourful facts in this month 's Fishkeeping Answers
29 At this month 's meeting members were also entertained with a slide show and talk about the volcanic eruption at Mount Helena in the United States .
30 ‘ No-one should be fooled by the small fluctuation in this month 's unemployment figures as they are being claimed by the Government themselves as possibly erratic .
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