Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [is] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Where is it clear that reliance may be placed on our association with the preparation of financial information , and where that reliance is not justified by the nature of the association , we should take every opportunity to make the nature of our position clear ( for example , in discussing information , prepared but not reported on by ourselves , with a client 's bankers ) .
2 Is he aware that that drug is not grown on some poppy field in South America but that 98 per cent .
3 Does he accept that , as the TEC chairmen advised him , if that money is not replaced , some TECs will not be able to meet the guarantee of a youth training place in some places in Greater Manchester in Lancashire ?
4 Existence of that privilege is not put in issue .
5 just a minute , that bit is n't rubbed in , wait till I get something to wipe that bit off your coat who 's going to carry my bag ?
6 she 'll not have much of an appetite , because that bit 's not working properly , and it 's not getting a chance to go through her
7 I take it that the proceedings so far are conjecture — that the two of them are not in fact gazing into each other 's eyes — that Serafin is not waiting for Summerchild to supply an answer to her question .
8 One of the precepts derived from the principle is that Parliament is not bound by its predecessors .
9 That measure is not considered controversial on either side of the House ; my party finds it easy to support ballots .
10 That case is not affected by today 's decision and is expected to be heard at the end of May .
11 That case is not expected to come to court for a few months and Dairy Crest wanted to stop him trading in the meantime .
12 That rise is not shown in the table , which predates the change , but it was expected to increase VAT 's share of tax revenue to 17 per cent .
13 That text is not aimed at architects or socialist town councils , but at all of us .
14 If that cut is n't seen to by somebody qualified the boy could be scarred for life . ’
15 They can concentrate on fast-moving products ( ie goods that sell well ) , so that stock is not held for too long and money is released to buy more goods
16 If that industry is not expanding , as the computing services industry is , its overall salary levels , and hence those of DP staff , are likely to be below those obtaining in computing services .
17 If that gap is n't narrowed , we could well see a backlash as business doing their bit for the environment lose heart at the apparent lack of consumer interest .
18 One is that scepticism is not restricted to doubt about the possibility of knowledge ; most interesting sceptical arguments , as I suggest in chapter 1 , involve an equal doubt about the possibility of justified belief .
19 If that action is not taken within the agreed time and your debtor 's promise is broken you must immediately move to the next collection stage .
20 Whether myasthenia gravis was specifically sought in that study is not stated , but the fact that it was not mentioned suggests that none of the patients who were reviewed suffered from it .
21 The pathogenesis of this finding is not known but it appears to be unrelated to any effect of the diabetic state on platelet prostacyclin receptors as prostacyclin binding appears to be normal in diabetic platelets ( Shepherd et al , 1983 ) .
22 This should normally be specified as SYS$LIFESPAN : Note that this parameter is not required if CREFDL.COM is run in the Installation Directory .
23 Either the Parliament ( the Folketing ) must pass the appropriate legislation with a five-sixths majority ( in the current Parliament requiring 150 members out of a total of 179 ) , or , in the words of Article 20.2 of the Constitution , ‘ If this majority is not obtained … the Bill shall be submitted to the Electorate for approval or rejection ’ .
24 What leads up to this actualization is not specified , the very fact of something having led to it constituting that which is judged negatively by the speaker .
25 Low Church Protestants see the ceremony as a memorial — they would argue that Christ is always present with believers and this presence is not deepened by a ceremony and that grace is through faith alone , not ceremonies .
26 He opposed the Criminal Law Amendment Bill on the grounds that ‘ repressive legislation of this kind is not calculated to improve public morals ’ .
27 The terminology in this field is not standardised .
28 Do you know that this trial is n't finished yet ? ’
29 In all too many places , this opportunity is not offered and a valuable chance is lost .
30 Running-in , which in this case is not done in the factory , will probably do much to solve the stiffness .
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