Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [vb mod] have give " in BNC.

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1 However , this suggestion would have given the combined group a market share in excess of 50 per cent of the British market , which would have fallen foul of the MMC guidelines .
2 Some instinctive appreciation of this fact may have given rise to the mystique which surrounded £40 a year in contemporary culture .
3 Secondly , that transfer must have given rise to rights in the individual who makes it .
4 Such elders may have given positive meaning to experiences of anxiety , poverty , chronic illness , multiple losses and death .
5 By that they mean that multiplying them together in either order would have to give the same result .
6 To think that the selfsame parents could have given birth to the two of us , she says .
7 His own connection may have given him military credibility , but his political credibility derived from his role as a central figure in his brother 's polity .
8 His own connection may have given him military credibility , but his political credibility derived from his role as a central figure in his brother 's polity .
9 He was faced with one setback after another , as we shall see , and most people would have given up along the way .
10 At this stage most people would have given up the struggle and for a time settled for Ted , who by now had enlisted new blood into his team , including the trusty old campaigner , John Peyton , and Peter Walker , who was re-engaged as Ted 's campaign manager .
11 In July 1990 , he grabbed the last qualifying place for the World Championship cycle in a hard-fought tournament in Manila by defeating Mikhail Gurevich , one of Kasparov 's former trainers , in the final game from a position most players would have given up as a draw .
12 In one of those announcements that trigger a double take in observers who find it hard to believe the function had not been available for years , IBM Corp this week finally added Ethernet support for the 3174 cluster controller , long after most users must have given up on the idea and made other arrangements .
13 Add a small local earthquake and most men would have given up the ghost .
14 Most men would have given up after that .
15 This is a proper negotiation , in which both sides will have to give ground if we are to achieve a solution .
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