Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [vb pp] at the " in BNC.

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1 The government , I , I find it somewhat disappointing that having put in what I think was an extremely good bid , I think having had that bid accepted at the first stage by government on their shortlist , having then had the bid accepted by the European Union , with the populations really that we submitted to them , we now find that U K government are actually trying trade back some of that population , and , and area coverage of the bid , to be able to use some of that spare capacity which they would generate within the U K , within the European population figure elsewhere within the country .
2 They may have been the gigantic reptilian analogue of the elephant , and it may be no coincidence that the elephant also has its nasal openings on top of the skull , with the nostrils in this case sited at the end of the trunk it has been suggested that some sauropods may have had a proboscis of some sort .
3 He says : ‘ Was this flame kindled at the altar of the Lord ? ’ and she answers : ‘ This flame was kindled at the holy fire . ’
4 This aircraft sold at the last auction for $9,000 plus commission .
5 Another issue raised at the workshop was that of creches .
6 There is some fibrin formed at the edges of the wound and at the plug periphery but no fibrin is seen within the plug for about 15–30 minutes .
7 As all water contains some ‘ heavy hydrogen ’ ( deuterium ) , where the single proton of the conventional hydrogen nucleus is accompanied by a neutron , there should be some deuterium produced at the cathode too .
8 When this job terminated at the start of NEP , he became the State Bank 's Kursk agent for purchasing grain .
9 The operator will keep this beam aimed at the target while the missile , which has sensitive detectors at its back end , will steer down the centre of the beam .
10 Extremely heavy traffic flows on Glasgow Road dictated that very special consideration had to be given to this junction situated at the extreme north end of the Sighthill Bypass .
11 ‘ I saw her on television this morning filmed at the polling station .
12 YORK HOUSE 4 October : The Duchess of Kent , as President , this morning presided at the launch of the Appeal for the Royal Northern College of Music , Manchester , and this afternoon , opened Skelton House at Manchester Science Park , and attended the South Manchester Health Authority 's Annual Nurse Prize Giving at the Armitage Centre , Fallowfield , Manchester .
13 At a party given by John Harvard for the Herbert Reads in June , he came with fireworks and some items bought at the joke shop opposite the British Museum : sugar which when immersed let out little fish , and chocolates which he thought to be filled with sawdust but were in fact made of soap ; the guests , he said , " set on me " .
14 Another church built at the wish of San Carlo Borromeo , it was started in 1569 and , when completed , ‘ given ’ to the Jesuits who still look after it today .
15 There was some concern expressed at the Director being singled out for criticism , but the Chief Officer considered that the criticism was necessary ‘ since it was the leadership which was stifling academic development and progress ’ .
16 There was some concern expressed at the steps taken by the Brazilian authorities to " clean up " Rio for the summit .
17 The other possibility for this particular birthday was to press some flowers used at the birthday party or some of the flowers received as gifts .
18 This event , held every spring in the Lake District , was this year accommodated at the Salutation Hotel , Ambleside on February 1 .
19 Some remarks made at the time by the defence correspondent of a major London weekly are representative of a good deal of professional opinion expressed both then and since .
20 His room overlooked our house , and he could watch the comings and goings — we were having some turf laid at the time in which he was taking a great interest — and I used to drive round there every evening at half past five and bring him home for a meal , after which we would chat or watch television .
21 Plastic refuse sacks are particularly useful for this purpose secured at the bottom with waterproof pvc tape .
22 The following year the new President , a Presbyterian , had to repeat the injunction , this time directed at the gallery , insisting that there be no applause , either ‘ by our hands , and still less by our feet ’ .
23 Another agreement concluded at the same conference , namely the 1907 Hague Convention V on Neutrality in Land War , also has relevant provisions , especially Article 1 : ‘ The territory of neutral powers is inviolable ’ .
24 Such work hit at the heart of the institution which the conservative-historians took to be so much under threat — the nuclear family .
25 When the alternative seemed to be squabbles and point-scoring , many of these people decided at the last minute to give John Major the benefit of the doubt .
26 The appeal hearing opened on May 15 , 1990 , with Demjanjuk 's lawyers arguing that he had been the victim of mistaken identity and that evidence presented at the original trial had been forged .
27 At the same time he introduced progressive speed trials over the measured mile for all vessels built at the yard .
28 Delegates agreed that all parties represented at the meeting , as well as the Azanian People 's Organization ( AZAPO ) , the official white opposition Conservative Party ( CP ) , the Reformed National Party ( HNP ) and the neo-fascist Afrikaner Resistance Movement ( AWB ) — all of which refused to attend the preparatory meeting — would be invited to CODESA .
29 All work processed at the Company is tracked by computer , and all parts are accompanied by work control documents , in compliance with customers ' requirements .
30 As Comptroller , he was allowed to take a five percent cut of all revenues collected at the port , including customs duties , excise on spirits and harbour dues .
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