Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She takes over from Susan George and before that Jan Francis in the show .
2 So I mean you 're not gon na say well let's go and get another Ian Wright off the peg so fair enough .
3 What 's this Monte Viso in the horizon of which you operate ? ’
4 I thought I was very abnormal to have created this second Lily from the real one .
5 We come this Advent Sunday to the wonderful season of hope .
6 ‘ About someone called Angela Morgan whom you or another F. Wilson at the DTI had lunch with a couple of weeks ago .
7 Perhaps there 's another Lynne Ives at the Cromwell who has lymphoma , and I 'm in the clear .
8 What was that inquisitive bastard Corbett doing , sending him warnings about an assassin , another de Montfort on the loose in England ?
9 They had total-stumped some US Cav in the Painted Desert , and some were saying they had scratched a Maniax Chapter in the Rockies .
10 It made little difference as York 's full back Richard Stevenson bamboozled Novos with a hat-trick of exciting tries from set piece moves , the fourth being touched down by scrum half Martyn Harrison in the 49th minute .
11 The Farm 's efforts merely cringe sullenly in their cages like musical battery fowl , but it 's the lyrics that actually sink this tugboat Titanic in the end .
12 Some treat Jesus as the greatest medium who ever lived while others accept him as ‘ the psychic Son of God ’ .
13 The cage was now a few fe et off the ground and the noise , which sounded like metal being torn apart , was almost deafening .
14 ‘ Was that Sidney Passmore from the caravan site ? ’
15 There are , however , large areas of Britain 's cities which are different from either Bethnal Green in the 1950s or from these coal-mining areas .
16 In search of the most valuable GEMs of all Malcolm Smith on the importance of genetically-engineered micro-organisms .
17 Next time , we 're going back with a record player and a Thin Lizzy record , we 're going to plug it in and when he asks what the hell we 're doing , we 'll say , ‘ Just listening to that Les Paul on the wall there ! ' ’
18 Jim Magilton who 's never missed a penalty for United was on target again and there was more to come … that man Allen on the left won the ball … fought his way through and Alex Dyer claimed his first goal for the club
19 Golf 's leading TV commentator and raconteur was in tremendous form as he led his team of former Ryder Cuppers to victory over the former Walker Cuppers in The Grand Match at Deal .
20 Mr Mates , a former Lieut Col in the Queen 's Dragoon Guards , was chairman of the Commons Select Committee on Defence and has been an MP for nearly 18 years .
21 The increase was attributed to falling demand for EC agricultural produce , the falling value of the dollar , and the cost of integrating the former East Germany into the common agricultural policy ( CAP ) .
22 German unification in October 1990 brought the territory of the former East Germany into the EC [ see p. 37659 ] .
23 Germany agreed to suspend its claims for the payment of debts incurred by the former Soviet Union to former East Germany until the year 2000 , while in exchange Russia abandoned all claims for compensation for Soviet military property and installations in former East Germany .
24 RICHARD Dunwoody has turned down the chance to renew his association with former Champion Kribensis in the Bula Hurdle at Cheltenham on Saturday .
25 Lufthansa is additionally involved in the museum world in former East-block Europe through the new U.S. fund for Arts and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe , for which the airline is providing free trans-Atlantic flights .
26 IN HIS role as assistant coach to our own Ian McGeechan on the British Lions tour to New Zealand this summer , Dick Best is hoping that tomorrow 's game between Scotland and Wales is a classic .
27 After finding Felix 's grave in Wimborne , he wrote a biography ( 1962 ) , with a reprint of Felix 's own book Felix on the Bat : ‘ He was a remarkable character .
28 In the short text the account of the Crucifixion and the meditator 's awareness of his own sin come to a climax in an outpouring of lyrical prose which has been printed as verse though it seems more effective if the surge of the rhymes and the alliterative cadences rise within the very structure of the prose like great waves to break in the bitter realisation that it is the meditator 's sin which both nails Christ to the cross and blocks the free expression of love in himself : All the internal rhyme , play on words ( ) and alliteration , which intensify the sense of the meditator 's awareness of both the creative power of God " king of " and the impotence of all his own functions , are lost in the long version which omits much of the intense self-disgust present in the short : The emphasis on Christ as the source of life and creativity is similarly highlighted in the short version in the skilful use made of rhyme , cadence and monosyllabic , strong-stressed ends of sentences to graphically convey the moment when he dies and the created cosmos fails : These effects are lost in the prosaic longer version : In both versions the meditator contemplates the appalling inversion of the created order with its lord suffering greater deprivation than the foxes and birds as he hangs " in eyre " ( 88. cf.101 ) with nowhere to lay his head — a reference to Matthew 8:20 traditionally used to emphasise the poverty of God embraced at the Incarnation .
29 Both Hamadou Moustapha of the UNDP and Frederic Augustin Kodock , secretary-general of the UPC , were assigned senior posts , Moustapha as Vice-Prime Minister in charge of Town Planning and Housing .
30 Both Clive Anderson in The Sunday Times and Andro Linklater in The Spectator declared it suitable light reading for a summer holiday .
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