Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yes I heard a very interesting conversation on the way down here in that programme Just a Minute
2 ‘ I 've had a splendid time , ’ she replied instead , and when some minutes later a taxi whisked them back to their hotel she felt it had been a dream of an evening .
3 I got the impression that he had had to use this look rather a lot lately .
4 When ( and only when ) five items have accumulated by being added at the end of the previous complete sentence , you reply with the type of shop — in this case obviously a chemist 's shop .
5 and erm if you listen to things on the radio they they have at the end of a sentence or at the end of some sentence quite a pause for a second before they go on
6 He could not explain why he ran or why he and David abandoned a car a few minutes later a mile from the town centre .
7 As I was struggling down the yard with the fully laden bucket a few minutes later a neighbour , Mrs Woods , saw me .
8 So I hung around and , sure enough , a few minutes later a squad car turned up all its lights flashing .
9 A few minutes later a police jeep screeched to a halt outside .
10 A few minutes later a car drew up , its brakes screeching in the best SS fashion .
11 But just a few minutes later a playgroup worker found the baby lying on the tiled floor next to the pushchair .
12 A few minutes later a youth with a shattered left knee-cap was wheeled on a low-slung ambulance trolley into the Cleansing Theatre .
13 A few minutes earlier a JetRanger helicopter had lifted-off from Blackpool bound for Ronaldsway .
14 It is noted here because it indicates the increasing dissatisfaction of many Edwardian novelists with the high Victorian ideal of the exclusive ‘ home ’ , despite ( or because of ) the fact that in that period , as Walter Crane observed , ‘ the beautifying of houses , to those to whom it is possible , has become in some cases almost a religion ’ .
15 A few hours earlier a Pakistan lead of hundreds seemed probable .
16 In this study about a quarter of patients had a biopsy for a sole haematological abnormality .
17 He successfully invaded Sudan to the south in 1820 , making it effectively a colony , and in some eyes even a part of Egypt .
18 Some months later a colleague and I were returning to London from a meeting in Brussels .
19 Some months ago a gang of local youngsters asked if I could help them in this direction .
20 A few months later a man living in Herne Bay in Kent found a live earthworm in his garden after a rainstorm .
21 A few months later a shuttle carried Jaq up to a great black ship circling in orbit .
22 Leave was refused at first instance and in the Court of Appeal , though a few months later a Practice Direction ( [ 1986 ] 2 All ER 226 ) was issued indicating the collective view of the judges that solicitors should be permitted to appear in the High Court or Court of Appeal in formal or unopposed proceedings .
23 I was n't therefore able to recommend this film when a few months later a woman from Nottingham requested a loan .
24 The temptation for Germans now , even though the generation of which Mann was writing has largely passed away , is to see in the great breakthrough of the last few months simply a kind of vindication of Germany 's efforts to achieve hegemony in Europe , to see the first and second world wars and what is happening now as three chapters of the same story .
25 The temptation for Germans now , even though the generation of which Mann was writing has largely passed away , is to see in the great breakthrough of the last few months simply a kind of vindication of Germany 's efforts to achieve hegemony in Europe , to see the first and second world wars and what is happening now as three chapters of the same story .
26 A few months ago a newspaper carried the story of a couple who had created a garden — now to be opened to the public — during the years that they were housebound , caring for sick relatives .
27 Over the last few months hardly a day had gone by without his name being mentioned in the financial Press , the articles mainly commenting on the swift , ferocious manner in which he was carving his way through the City , ruthlessly gobbling up one company after another .
28 George Lansbury , speaking at Shoreditch Town Hall in January 1924 , reminded the monarch that ‘ Some centuries ago a King stood against the common people and he lost his head . ’
29 Act — making this crime only a summary offence — should be reconsidered .
30 Du Pont Pixel says , ‘ the OGI strategy is now operational and Silicon Graphics ca n't afford to take their markets for granted anymore , with this architecture once a piece or hardware or software has been modified it will run on full blown Sparcstations , clones , in fact anything that it is Sparc-compatible ’ .
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