Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [coord] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It can be argued that ‘ normalizing ’ the marked English structure is not a good strategy in this instance and that a slightly different but similarly marked Arabic structure ( using a particle such as inna ) would have preserved the prominence given by the writer to the first part of the statement ( Mr Rowland wants ) and still sounded natural in Arabic :
2 ‘ It is disgraceful the chancellor should get this money and that no one should be told about it . ’
3 It is said that there are exceptions to this rule and that the following persons can sue for trespass although they had not possession — ( a ) A trustee against any third person who commits a trespass to trust chattels in the hands of the beneficiary .
4 ‘ But my feeling is that the winds of change are blowing through this club and that the old guard 's days are numbered . ’
5 They claim that there is little communication with general practices in some areas and that the system for calling patients is sometimes inadequate .
6 Since it took so long for Dobson finally to take over in Macclesfield , it may be either that he returned to Stockport as Master from some period or that the Goldsmiths forgot that they had appointed Escolmbe , or that Escolmbe himself never took up his duties .
7 The sole grounds are that Kalamis belongs to this period and that the Sosandra 's head was covered .
8 It seemed to me more and more as time passed that the RAF was bearing all the casualties of this war and that the other Services were taking life easily .
9 What is clear , however , is that monitoring is rarely a simple exercise , that the time-scales of the sponsors of monitoring and environmental research are rarely long term though most science is inevitably of this nature and that the increasingly multinational nature of such work necessitates a degree of management not always present in local or nationally based schemes .
10 On closer questioning it was found that he had been harbouring strong transsexual feelings for some while and that the injury resulted from an urge to initiate a sex change .
11 I would like to record my thanks to the members of all sites who have given such enthusiasm and interest to this problem , this topic and that the erm County Council is now resourcing rights of way in a way which we felt was necessary and I would thank our staff for their persistence , patience and their continuing efforts with great er verseatue we I am grateful Chairman .
12 Suitable explanations for any delay would be that there are too many patients or too few doctors and that the service is underfunded .
13 If you believe that there is something more after this life and that the spirit of the person who has died is continuing its journey in that place , then , because that is as it should be , there is no point in crying for that spirit .
14 It is nonetheless a matter of deep regret that the Board has had to depart from this project and that the first of these care centres on Whalsay , which would have been opened in November nineteen ninety one had the agreement been left unaltered , was still not open at the beginning of this month .
15 ‘ Extensive ground and flight testing in the UK , including the measurement of static thrust and endless climb performance , often measured with electronic recording barographs , has demonstrated that the fourblade propellers , correctly matched to the airframe , give some improvement and that the Gomolzig silencers do not reduce performance ’ , says BGA chief technical officer Dick Stratton .
16 It may be , for example , that the experiment was flawed in some way or that the conclusion derived from its results was invalid .
17 All sides are hoping for a successful horse fair this year and that the closest they get to a confrontation is a clash of cultures .
18 All sides are hoping for a successful horse fair this year and that the closest they get to a confrontation is a clash of cultures .
19 The committee decided that the units should remain open for another year and that the director of education be instructed to find the £50,000 needed , possibly from reserves .
20 Which is not to say that such diseases are more common in this country or that the cases are more florid or medically interesting , simply that , for historical reasons , the delivery of both diagnosis and treatment is better than elsewhere .
21 However , recently a spokesman for a well-known oil company claimed that they were really the Davids in this country and that the boot WAS on the other foot' Doubtless , central and local government would also claim that they are simply the servants of the public and not their masters .
22 th there were cases of cadres being rightist and taking too much land for themselves , the Communist Party actually exaggerated this problem and that the main cause was erm the very low lan land ratio .
23 Alastair Fowler has argued that Williams and other critics have overstated this tendency and that the emphases on labour , hospitality , and architecture vary from poem to poem and over time .
24 Electric Ecology looks at the surprising variety of plants and animals that have co colonized this land and that the efforts that are made to monitor and foster this wild life .
25 However , we agreed that self-help schemes could only bring a few jobs and that a central demand should still be that the state provide jobs .
26 By their reasons the justices stated that the girl would continue to be liable to sexual abuse if allowed to return to her family as the mother refused to recognise the responsibility of the father for that abuse and that the mother would not protect the girl from the father on whom the mother was emotionally dependent ; that they had considered that the girl might be cared for by her half-sister but had concluded that it would be difficult to prevent contact between the girl and her father ; that they had formed the view that contact between the girl and her father would be harmful at the present time and therefore the local authority should refuse such contact until the review by the local authority in six months time ; and that there should be supervised reasonable contact between the girl and her mother and between the girl and her half-sister .
27 The narrower approach to remoteness of damage in property damage cases could be explained on the grounds that the plaintiff is likely to be insured against such damage and that the extent of the damage in such cases could be great .
28 I hope that the inquiry will underline the fact that , by and large , children do not lie about such matters and that the people who have now come forward as adults have probably been permanently damaged because no one would pay any attention to what they said .
29 This may be because the GP 's previous contact with the family facilitated such contact or that a balance to the GP 's assessment was sought .
30 It was held on the facts that the trustees did not have the power to make such loans and that the payments were in fact outright payments so that she was properly assessed to income tax .
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