Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [coord] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Only in one circumstance can this aggregation take place : where the parent sets up a settlement for the benefit of that child and the income arises from that settlement and is paid to the child .
2 That much said , it remains true that Strabo never went north of Populonia in Etruria , knew little Latin and was bound to depend on written Greek sources for his account of the Celtic lands .
3 But what he did come to recognise was the inadequacy of existing literature : ‘ I realised that the main writers on history and statistics at the time had done very little research and were relying on a few books .
4 The plaintiffs were ultimately only able to complete on the basis of the terms subsequently offered by the bank which were financially disadva disadvantageous and effectively deprived the business of any chance of surviving because of the lack of operating capital and er many of the losses which are set out on page sixty two erm are based on that intention and are dealt with er in full
5 If a young person who reached the age of 16 on July 2 was lucky enough to obtain employment would they be unable to avail themselves of this opportunity and be forced back to school ?
6 I still have a few copies and am sending this one for you to see .
7 .. Try it out when you leave here , try it out in the meetings and the presentations that you have to make I encourage you to do that , to try it out in your day to day working and for those people who have either already been on this course or are coming on this course after you that you meet encourage them to do the same , because there 's nothing like encouragement and feedback from each other to be able to use these new ideas .
8 Women 's interests ( as housewives or mothers for example ) often fall into this category and are defined as non-political .
9 In any case , he was eager to start work upon another play and was trying to extricate himself from various official duties in order to give himself room for composition : he resigned from the board of the Christian News Letter , for example , on the grounds of lack of time .
10 John Stephens is aware of this expense and is aiming to have the new computer ready to fulfil this function any time now .
11 They may have allied themselves with some enemy and been forced to leave .
12 To be fair , the Eighth Army was in a state of some confusion and was having to plan the defence of the Nile Delta .
13 Martia was arrested for assault three months after this interview and was held in custody for several weeks until she was granted bail .
14 He said she was jealous that her husband had taken another girlfriend and was encouraged to split from him by her parents .
15 ‘ Labour would reverse this independence and are committed to taking both colleges back into county council control , ’ he said .
16 Should many cyclists ignore this law or are hurt as a result , it 's always possible for lights to be removed if necessary .
17 There Tyndale wrote to urge him to avoid any discussion of the Sacraments , but he failed to take this advice and was convicted as a heretic precisely on this question and was burned .
18 A two-part special on Malta starts in this issue and is concluded in the February FlyPast .
19 The funding problem is linked to the Institute 's own financial problems , but this year 's District Societies Steering Committee is being very positive on this issue and is doing all it can to ensure a reasonable level of funding .
20 Interviewed on BBC Radio 4 , Andrew Lees of Friends of the Earth declared , ‘ I have been given clearance by my Board to seek a judicial review … we are very serious about this issue and are going to go for it . ’
21 It is a rather recent article in this publication and was drawn to my attention only a week or so ago .
22 A driver had wrenched himself from another machine and was running back .
23 Even more interestingly , I understand that even some of Mrs Thatcher 's friends share this opinion and are proposing — some of them for the first time in their lives — not to vote for the Tories .
24 Of the two doctors it was undoubtedly Dr Dunstaple who had the largest number of adherents ; he had been the civil surgeon in Krishnapur for some years and was known to everyone as a kindly and paternal man .
25 The new regime 's most determined opponents eventually emerged as the Mujahedin-e-Khalq , led by Mas'ud Rajavi who established a base in Paris for some years and was reported in 1986 to have made his way to Baghdad .
26 She found him another job and is paying for a private nurse .
27 Some would say that there is nothing remarkable or wrong in working for some group and being paid to answer some question that the group regards as important .
28 So Adam slipped out of Castell Coch at dusk , and himself carried the word to Owen in his camp in the woods overlooking Cegidfa ; and a beggar who had hung about the gates for some days and been fed from the kitchens went after him every step of the way .
29 Nietzsche wrote : " When I heard of the fires in Paris , I felt annihilated for some days and was overwhelmed by fears and doubts ; the whole academic ( wissenschaftlich ) , philosophical , artistic world seemed an absurdity , if a single day could wipe out the most glorious works of art , even whole periods of art ; I clung with earnest conviction to the metaphysical value of art , which can not exist for the sake of poor human beings , but has higher missions to fulfil . "
30 Jean or Jeannie Symonds was still working in Skinners in 1913 , left the trade for a few years but was readmitted in 1927 , so it seems safe to assume that she spent much of her working life in the printing trade and did not marry .
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