Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [noun pl] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 The AX3 Microlight is powered by a 500 cc 2-stroke engine and seems to be no more than a few metal poles covered with canvass .
2 Earlier this week police struggled with thousands of workers who attempted to enter the parliament to shouts of ‘ give us bread ’ .
3 In the case of investment trusts , this warning needs repeating with force .
4 This statement needs treating with care , as it was written after 1016 , by an annalist rather free with allegations of treachery , who was aware of Eadric 's defection to Cnut in 1015 .
5 Doctors across Scotland are reporting an increase in the number of flu cases with some Glasgow practices dealing with what they term ‘ an epidemic ’ .
6 Some history students cope with it more easily and at greater speeds than others .
7 The ruins of the Knossos Labyrinth have yielded some stone friezes carved with rosettes , spirals and half-rosettes carved in relief , but these seem to have been exceptional .
8 Your grandparents seem to be fairly cheerful — Ken was on the phone last night , about some editing procedures connected with a project he 's recently undertaken .
9 Decorate the table and dishes with little flags , coloured umbrellas and a few jelly cases filled with pretty coloured sweets .
10 Just a few throat bugs to deal with . ’
11 It went further in tying education into a toughened approach to social policy , stressing that parent responsibilities go with the rights they have recently gained in schooling .
12 It is possible for such lattice modes to combine with higher-frequency modes giving weak additional features near strong fundamental bands , or near the expected positions of weak or missing fundamentals .
13 The process of creating such quality cheeses begins with milk from the finest dairy cows in the world followed by the skills of French master cheesemakers .
14 The man 's cheeks were tattooed with little vermilion chalices brimming with gore .
15 From that moment events moved with unbelievable rapidity .
16 Craig : ‘ We 're thinking of having these boxer shorts done with ‘ E ’ on one cheek and ‘ D ’ on the other and a cow on the cod-piece . ’
17 These modem developments contrast with the situation earlier in this century when for example there was no bridge between Benbecula and North and South Uist , and crossings had to be made across the beach at low tide .
18 Ertl showed that evoked potentials on the EEG showed shorter latency and greater amplitude for high IQ subjects than for low IQ subjects , In recent years this approach has been broadened and improved by the Hendricksons , and we now have physiological measures on the EEG evoked potential which correlate as highly with typical IQ tests as one of these IQ tests correlates with another !
19 The faces are meek and accepting , the tears trembling gently on the cheeks ; one can not imagine these model women roaring with laughter or howling with rage .
20 The effect of this competition for funds is , of course , that an increasing proportion of the money supply now yields interest and , what is more , these interest rates vary with market interest rates .
21 It is not always easy to balance challenges and skills even when working with a single child on a relatively straightforward task ; for these class teachers working with mixed ability groups in settings where the normal practice was for several different tasks in different curriculum areas to be undertaken simultaneously , an adequate balance between challenges and skills throughout the group had to remain an aspiration rather than an achievement .
22 It was characteristic of many teaching methods used with children experiencing learning difficulties during the 1970s and 1980s that they entailed more control by the teacher over children 's learning than was typical in mainstream classrooms ( Wood and Shears 1986 ) .
23 The hon. Member for Gateshead , East and other Labour Members who spoke should be in no doubt that by no means all Opposition Members agree with their point of view .
24 Not all securities houses agree with BZW .
25 During one of the many economy drives associated with defence cuts I made a bid for taking over the hangars and , to my surprise , it was agreed .
26 If at any point the required pointer in the tree is null , then that candidate string and all candidate strings beginning with those letters can not be allowable , because no words in the tree begin with that sequence of letters .
27 Incurably addicted to quantification , I have now searched the daily and Sunday New York Times from 1975 to November 1981 for all book reviews dealing with IQ .
28 Many forestry officials charged with enforcing the law are poorly paid , and willing to accept bribes to allow timber operations to continue unhindered .
29 For all the talk of a tax backlash and attempts to cut state spending on welfare the irony is that both are now higher as shares of GDP in all OECD states compared with 1975 or 1980 .
30 Many odour problems arise with the intensified use of land , e.g. a farmer may begin by keeping 50 pigs and expand until he has several hundred .
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