Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [prep] [noun] such " in BNC.

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1 Medically there is little change in factors such as blood pressure , and risk of heart disease , though there could be a moderate fall in blood cholesterol level if this is elevated at the start of the diet .
2 Beneath the chandeliers only the Louis XVI table , the Queen in zinc ( for patriotic reasons ) , a few objects in electro-metal such as Fame Scattering Petals on Shakespeare 's Tomb , with the heads of certain men of letters , and a few stuffed birds in the rubble of plaster and brickwork brought down by the sepoy cannons , remained .
3 3.2 In seeking to apply this definition , it is recognised that , while some forms of violence such as physical assault or explicit threats are easily identified , others such as verbal abuse are more difficult to assess .
4 In conclusion , I make this plea to countries such as Germany — a country for which I have the highest regard : they should be cautious about promising recognition for Croatia and Slovenia by any precise date , and about breaking ranks within the European Community .
5 In spite of receiving sharp criticism of this practice from researchers such as Reeves and Chevannes ( 1981 ) the Swann Committee repeated this model of data collection .
6 Transmission across the callosum takes time and necessitates crossing at least one synaptic junction , during which the information is said to undergo some degree of transformation such that it arrives at the second hemisphere in a comparatively degraded state ( McKeever and Huling , 1971a ; Gross , 1972 ; Gibson , Dimond and Gazzaniga , 1972 ) .
7 This epidemiological picture , typical of temperate countries , may be modified in some areas by factors such as climate or husbandry .
8 He admitted , however , that there had been ‘ some people in countries such as India to whom it has occurred to ask whether this [ Soviet policy ] is in keeping with the principle of non-alignment , with a non-bloc policy ’ .
9 This use of imagery such as ‘ barren chasms ’ , ‘ icy caves ’ and ‘ slippery crag ’ help conjure an unbelievable picture of depression and sorrow .
10 In areas where manufacturers or users were unwilling to pioneer applications , moreover , the Electricity Boards were able to finance demonstration projects , with some success in areas such as off-peak concrete-embedded electric floor heating for new factory , office and housing projects , and novel industrial processes of small scale .
11 Sometimes a sick person 's friends show their faith in such action as taking a person to a healing service or to some centre of healing such as Lourdes .
12 The missiles would blast out of their launchers , navigate automatically across Europe , and land within a few metres of targets such as airfields , ports , power stations , dams and locks .
13 The Deputy Head held forth at some length on subjects such as the national curriculum and the iniquities of Bridget Plowden , whoever she might be .
14 I believe there is enough direct evidence on the degree of monopoly power in this country in areas such as coal , postal services and banking to suggest that this is an important problem .
15 Beyond the park , in some parts of England such as East Anglia , the bulldozer rams at the old hedges , blots them out to make fields big and vacant enough for the machines of the new ranch-farming and the business-men farmers of five to ten thousand acres .
16 Though some benefits and costs can not yet be valued , particularly wildlife habitat , and landscape conservation and enhancement , estimates of recreational values and of carbon storage can be calculated , and these , for some types of forest such as community forests , can make a big difference to the ‘ social profitability ’ of the investment , the commission says .
17 As our Church is itself in a confusion Thee Thyself often experienced when on this earth in places such as , for example , Gethsemane , which was , by anyone 's standards , a pretty tough time for You .
18 Coupled with this , however , we have to remember the huge concentration of such sediment in deltas such as that of the Mississippi , where it has been accumulating at a fantastic rate ( perhaps 10 000 feet in the same period of time ) .
19 The three-year collaboration on this multimedia workshop aims to create two prototype multimedia applications for various categories of visitors and to experiment with putting such applications on media such as CD-ROM and Compact Disk-Interactive .
20 Faith is perhaps the operative word for the collector of modern books , the type of faith displayed with such success by booksellers such as Bertram Rota who was recently called by another specialist in this field the ‘ master-mason of the modern first edition ’ .
21 What is the economic effect of these changes on countries such as India , Turkey , Pakistan and Algeria whose industrialisation , particularly in the field of heavy engineering , has been the main outcome of such Soviet co-operation ?
22 We have some knowledge of these processes in cases such as proxemics , where our spatial orientation to objects may be observed as both cultural and normative ( Hall 1966 ) .
23 Smadja argues that knowledge of relations such as these is necessary to both understanding and generation , and he outlines an approach for automatically acquiring such restrictions from a corpus , and then using it to augment an existing lexicon .
24 This means that it is not necessary to reject totalization as such — because such a rejection assumes its very possibility , whereas all attempts at totalization such as Sartre 's demonstrate rather its impossibility .
25 For fear that those who disseminate racist propaganda would turn to newer mediums of communication , it was decided to deal explicitly and comprehensively with all forms of communication such as films , tapes , records and video recordings , f not all of which would unambiguously have fallen within the proposed law .
26 Granddaughter is doing well and , trained in all aspects of babycare such as nappy changing and bottle feeding , expects he 'll be contacted soon for baby sitting duties .
27 The tobacco industry therefore spends about £2 per head on advertising for each person in the province whereas the Agency has less than 70p per head to spend on promoting all aspects of health such as nutrition , alcohol and sexual health .
28 A glass of wine/whisky/champagne is said to cure all sorts of ills such as the common cold .
29 THE SATURDAY CENTRE FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN offers all kinds of workshops such as arts and crafts , poetry , drama , rhythm and percussion , and science in the home .
30 By contrast , many studies of objects such as buildings , which discuss the links between architectural form and a set of ideals such as scholasticism or imperialism , indicate the degree to which such objects are significant as propositional forms , even as to the nature of the world ( e.g. Panofsky 1957 ; King ed. 1980 ) .
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