Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 What he told me was that M. Chaillot adored the company of women and would wish to charm me .
2 Well I should think you 'd see that spin attack turn the tables whatever the weather was really , and we 've also got Peter Bradbury who 's taken more wickets in the Cherwell lead than anybody this year , so we 've got three first line County standard off spinners er or rather two off spinners and a left arm spinner .
3 Each department head has the support of several junior ministers , known as ministers of state or under-secretaries , who may take on particular responsibilities for specific policy areas .
4 This change process enabled the manufacturing entity to effect not only the required reduction in numbers of employees , but also an improvement in operation .
5 The final wave of the initial assault , LC Mechanised carrying jeeps and tanks , went by at 0415 , making a bow wave that flirted the canoe aside , and a quarter of an hour later this canoe team followed the craft ashore .
6 One week later , another contrast swallow showed the reopening of the lumen and oral intake was therefore gradually resumed .
7 This User Guide describes the operation of LIFESPAN RDBI and provides details required to access transferred LIFESPAN information within the chosen relational database .
8 But underneath this camp humour lay the constant dread that he might one day incur conviction and imprisonment .
9 Good as new : to remove lipstick stains from your clothing , first scrape off any residue with a knife then rub in some washing-up liquid to loosen the stain and wash in the normal way .
10 This index page provides the facilities for transferring modules from LIFESPAN to the current user 's directory for examination or modification , and for online editing of packages or source , foreign and pmodel module headers .
11 Not only does this teaching method put the teacher almost entirely in control , it also invites a particular kind of mental disposition from the participants .
12 Answer guide : In this case Transom owns the cash register and is likely to get a benefit in the future from its use .
13 This case report describes the histological and macroscopic changes seen within a few months in the gastric mucosa of a 28 year old woman patient with upper abdominal symptoms .
14 And somehow his hurt had brought him back here , looking for some innocence long since gone from him , looking for some boyhood simplicity to answer the anguish within him , to make it go away .
15 This blanket term covers the ‘ blues ’ at one end of the spectrum ( affecting between 70 and 80 per cent of all women in the first week or so after birth ) to the post-puerperal psychosis which temporarily hospitalizes three in every thousand mothers .
16 This monocausal approach had the advantage of clarity of distinction but it could be highly misleading as a guide to macroeconomic policy since it is perfectly conceivable that classical and Keynesian unemployment may coexist at one and the same time .
17 The substantial remains of this cavalry fort include the bath house , where you can still see how the underfloor heating system worked .
18 Positive results in this incubation test indicate the intraperitoneal presence of cholyglycine hydrolase , namely intraperitoneal leakage of intestinal bacteria .
19 Another saltire arrangement exhibits the motif of four peltae around a guilloche knot : the saltire mosaic from Ashcroft Houses , Cirencester ( pI .
20 Once mixed with the waving lotion and applied to hair , this milk protein restores the hair shaft , inside and out , during the perming process .
21 As soon as the casing was in position at stage 2 , it was only a few minutes work to pull the cables through the casing and fix the capping .
22 Pride , as Another Clydebank closedown hits the News Yes
23 At the weekends he can be anywhere within a few hours drive doing the job of a ‘ Sapper ’ the army 's word for a Military Engineer .
24 More spots of this azure blue adorn the anal , dorsal , and caudal fins .
25 However , this weathercock effect influences the torque/tail rotor balance and results in a change of tail rotor trim .
26 This wheel position affects the behaviour of the glider once a swing has started .
27 Has this underwear explosion hit the suburbs ?
28 Some authorities believe that it is the arching of the back of the purring cat that increases this blood turbulence to create the purring sound , while others see the increase as being more to do with emotional changes affecting the animal 's blood flow .
29 An elegant staircase leads to the first floor , where the Edgsons have another living room overlooking the street .
30 Cytofluorimetry of this cell population demonstrated the presence of CD3-positive lymphocytes and expression of major histocompatibility complex ( MHC ) class II proteins .
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