Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [modal v] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've , yeah I know , but it 's just some days you , I know , I see what you mean , talking about that , but at the end it is for your children anyway , cos you know , that money should be for your children and if you have worked and you put the money away for them anyway , you 've paid your taxes and things .
2 ‘ Needless to say , if we do agree , the responsibility for the consequences of that decision will be on your heads .
3 It is always a lie and never the truth , ’ Questionable though that judgement may be on the aphorism in general , it does seem to me to catch the half-formed nature of this observation — or perhaps , better speaking , its lack of a frame .
4 It was a discernible unity , embedded though that unity might be in the economic order of the rest of the world .
5 That change would be in the best interests of the meat industry , the consumer and animal welfare .
6 That change might be in place by the time Pakistan visit West Indies this winter .
7 Both council agreed present day value of the award in that case would be in the vicinity of one hundred and twenty thousand pounds .
8 And each tag will be for a specific vehicle only , to guard against fraud , despite pleas from lorry firms to be allowed to transfer them around their fleets .
9 That pleasure will be for the peoples in and around the Pacific and Indian Oceans .
10 John Stuart Mill had claimed ( Rogers 1964 : 238 ) that pleasure could be of a carnal nature or of a ‘ higher ’ kind .
11 and is that , I always feel threatened or paranoid I just want to make a point on on paragraph seven the rule in which to review the is that my understanding that review will be about the role and of the rule in which the .
12 if you 'd actually made a minus there , ignoring capital allowances , you 'd just made a loss of four hundred pounds , then that loss would be for a year of assessment , and in that year of assessment , it could be set against your salary or pensions for that year a as if it was a personal allowance .
13 ‘ That 's when I thought a little research might be in order .
14 The equivalent of each ‘ response ’ expected from the input page must be entered as there are no defaults ; each entry must be on a separate line .
15 The equivalent of each ‘ response ’ expected from each page must be entered ; each entry must be on a separate line , without leading spaces and without blank lines between entries .
16 Maureen , who was now the manageress of the wool shop , had warned them that wool might be in short supply so they had all bought plenty of every colour , including a lot of khaki .
17 Just as the child in dramatic playing concentrates on the task or the problem to be solved , so the advice from Stanislavsky to his actors is that concentration should be on the mainspring of action in the character 's behaviour , not his feelings .
18 The other bet says that horse will be in the first three .
19 Or if there are a lot of runners , that horse will be in the first four .
20 Each lawyer should be in full charge of case management of all application and appeals within his group , giving procedural advice to litigants in person , and , where necessary , providing summaries of the issues raised for the use of the judges .
21 The philosophy of the journal is that screening should be about the prevention of disability and disease , not simply the early detection of disease as an end in itself .
22 That result will be from Indiana , a traditional Republican stronghold and home of Vice President Dan Quayle .
23 This finding may be of clinical importance in the few patients who have severe hypergastrinaemia as a result of long acting profound acid inhibition .
24 Finally , as the advanced further education pool is virtually certain to be reduced , in relative terms , in the next few years and consequently the survival of some institutions may be at stake , NAB 's most difficult job is likely to be to steer public sector higher education through the stormy seas ahead with as little long-term damage as possible .
25 If anyone wants chapter and verse on this the erm address of the British Agro-chemicals Association who put out this literature will be on our fact sheet .
26 This cheque will be in the exporter 's currency .
27 So the results of this trial will be of enormous benefit to mothers as in future they will be offered a treatment which has been shown to be effective .
28 And her advise to others like her is to seek help , rather than become victims of law which in this case may be over protective .
29 The captives in this case would be under the influence of tranquillizing drugs .
30 The restriction in this case would be in law and would be an absolute one .
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