Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [pron] be his " in BNC.

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1 Principally in this chapter it is his watercolours that are discussed .
2 There were just certain ways in which this woman who was his daughter had to behave .
3 In one chair I 'm the promoter , in another chair I 'm Boris 's manager and in another chair I 'm his friend .
4 What he felt most inclined to do — warn this man who was his best and oldest friend that his wife was not to be trusted — he had given his word he would not .
5 This Chris what was his name ?
6 This time it was his turn for a dull flush to warm the tan on his cheeks .
7 This time it was his eyes that were narrowed as he watched her as closely as any cat after a mouse .
8 He bent his head again , and this time it was his gentleness which took her by surprise .
9 This time it was his wine collection , housed in specialy built cellars of Headington Hill Hall in Oxford ; the wine , over 3,000 bottles is being sold off by administrators .
10 This time it was his turn to give the one word answer .
11 Have you read about that boy who 's his
12 He is elected , and his ‘ surplus ’ votes are shared out , in due proportion , among those candidates who were his backers ' second choice .
13 Give us that , eh , give us that book it 's his !
14 His poem about Mesmer is a great puzzle to me , as I can not tell with any certainty what is his attitude to Animal Magnetism , whether mocking or endorsing , and this is so with other of his work , so that often one is led to wonder whether there is not a great pother of talk about nothing much .
15 She is God 's creative energy as well as His power to destroy and at the same time she is His saving grace .
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