Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [prep] [noun] so " in BNC.

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1 This produces that variety of note-successions so typical of the total-chromatic usage of serialism ( Example 140 ) : This exercise has been written in such a way as to reveal the considerable difficulty which inevitably occurs when using several serial forms at the same time .
2 Oh well never mind erm but , but , you know , informal consent and all that kind of thing so er right anyway erm so er how 's it going ?
3 The main thing is to get a piece of paper between each piece of glassware so that if it does move , And if you j you just pack a piece of paper in er er fold it over a little er and push it in , i i so you stop movement .
4 Shall I do it on that piece of paper so I do n't get mixed up on
5 I will make that feedback to Jenny so that she 's clear , I think that 's a good way to handle it .
6 I have seen this kind of thing so often , and it will serve as an example to indicate at least five fundamental errors which are extremely common : The principal errors are :
7 It would be a good idea to develop a formula for using this kind of programme so that you know precisely what kind of item you are looking for and , if you can arrange for a regular supply , you do n't need to spend a lot of time viewing it to work out how you are going to use it .
8 So the idea is you have some kind of token so that er , classic example in sort of junior schools , primary schools , that y'know if a child actually does what you want it to do , it gets a kind of star in a star chart and added up so many stars it gets some kind of present and basically the same kind of thing can be applied in clinical and in occupational settings as well .
9 and then when it got over to the Clerks ' Department they used to stick it on another piece of paper so that they could put it on the file
10 Serve with hot Ciabatta bread ( you get this in most supermarkets ) — ideally , you eat this salad with friends so that you will not feel too inhibited to mop up the delicious dressing with your bread !
11 My old man occasionally joined us on a Saturday morning , but only to get some cash off Granpa so that he could go to the Black Bull and spend it all with his mate Bert Shorrocks .
12 ‘ Medieval England managed this sort of thing so much better , ’ I thought smugly .
13 well you know , the five per cent reduction you know , do n't worry about that at the minute and and all this sort of thing so
14 They were staying in a hotel until they could find a Hat , but his doctor insisted that they spend some days in Brighton so that he could properly recover .
15 The woman told me that they normally like you to book a few days in advance so that you have some time to think it over in case you wanted to change your mind .
16 Yeah , this one , cos he knows quite a few , thi , few things about films so I wo n't say that one
17 The rise of the lay colleges at the present time is largely the fault of the medical profession itself , a result of its consistent disregard for this approach to treatment so that the demand for it far outweighs the practitioners available to supply that demand .
18 It admits that it had n't expected to be in this line of work so long , having thought Unix 's compatibility issues would have been resolved years ago .
19 Some attributes of God so express the heart of his divine nature that they are used as titles :
20 One idea is to switch this burden of proof so that the defendant must prove his insanity .
21 However , in two important respects the Misrepresentation Act 1967 has removed some bars to rescission so that s1 provides that , whether or not the representation has become a term of the contract , or that the contract has been fully performed , the right to the rescission remedy is not lost .
22 You spoke when your face was turned away from me ’ or ‘ I 'll move this vase of flowers so that I can see your face clearly . ’
23 Well , well there was a woman half way through delivery so we ca n't leave !
24 He ended up riding a few jumpers in France so its erm although he 's a good trainer now I do n't think he 's an authority and it 's poppycock er frankly .
25 He says there is flu in the community at this time of year so expect children to have flu symptoms .
26 He says there is flu in the community at this time of year so expect children to have flu symptoms .
27 She do n't pay me got another pack of peanuts so I have got a few that few , but you do n't need any old bag do you ?
28 He knew that he was the shortest in the class by about three inches and that Mr Gillis was considerate enough to bark out the height of each boy after measurement so that everyone in the class knew the awful truth .
29 Now if you 're talking about filling the seats it 's obvious that the people in Harlow like that type of thing so why do n't we have more of it . .
30 An initial objective inventory of landform and land use , and then a qualitative assessment of the value of each type of landscape so identified .
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