Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [verb] for we " in BNC.

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1 It may seem to some of you that there 's very little hope left for us in Krishnapur .
2 This point Marx made much more explicitly in Capital , Book ‘ [ 378–9 ] : ‘ The simplicity of the productive organism in these self-sufficient communities — which continually reproduce their kind , and , if destroyed by chance , reconstruct themselves in the same locality and under the same name — this simplicity unlocks for us the mystery of the unchangeableness of Asiatic society , which contrasts so strongly with the perpetual dissolutions and reconstructions of Asiatic states . ’
3 All of which we have in this brochure defined for us .
4 That period ended for us on December 31st .
5 The group was buried in a rock-fall ( a common occurrence at the site ) ; the rest no doubt salvaged for scrap , these pieces preserved for us .
6 ‘ We have so many things going for us .
7 It will be hard for us to be away from Andrew and Peter over Christmas and New Year but the boys have been really encouraging , telling us to go for all God has for us .
8 Crown lawyers told the jury that Marsh handed out a booklet called Cancer and Aids : Any Hope Left For Us at a gay pub in London .
9 Roses and orchids are too obviously beautiful , and so they lack this remnant of grace : maybe , if there is any harmony left for us to discover , maybe we shall as soon apprehend it in dog shit or an old man 's spittle , sizzling on the grate .
10 Nash describes the use of ‘ stress skills ’ in combating the stress that works against us , and in putting the same stress to work for us instead .
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