Example sentences of "[vb pp] over for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of the worst winters we had was at the start of the war , in 1940 , when the river was frozen over for six weeks right to the end of March and there was two feet of snow .
2 In 1991 the previous year 's ceiling of 23.65 million b/d was rolled over for another year , but no country quotas were set .
3 In addition , there are also certain to be one or two early mistakes which will need rectifying , and plans to be mulled over for next spring 's display .
4 In front gardens , lawns are paved over for off-street parking space and in the road more intrusion results from signs , barriers and other traffic-related street furniture .
5 All of these were admitted to the smallpox hospital , which was , however , later demolished , when the ground was built over for industrial purposes .
6 Although this has been argued over for fifty years , the size of this ancient catastrophe now seems incontrovertible .
7 10–17 Jesus violates the taboo against healing on the sabbath by healing a woman who has been bent over for many years , justifying this on the grounds that it is even more urgent to help a fellow human being , a woman , than to rescue an animal that has fallen into a ditch ( an exception allowed under the law ) .
8 All the defendants were bound over for two years on a personal bail of £350 and some were also fined .
9 O'Doherty , who had not taken part in the obstruction , was fined £5 for allegedly leading the singing of ‘ We shall overcome ’ ( a charge he denied ) , and the others were bound over for two years on £50 personal bail .
10 Kenneth Shoane , 66 , was bound over for two years by Maidstone Crown Court in Kent yesterday for making threats to kill Kate Kray , 35 .
11 " He was bound over for two years in Leeds , but that ended last month . "
12 William Symons must have been a wild one for in July of the same year he and Elizabeth Cole also of Halling , were both bound over for twenty shillings to appear at the next gaol delivery .
13 He was bound over for 12 months in the sum of £100 to be of good behaviour .
14 Stone and marble fixtures weighing 400 tonnes from a garden in Boston have been shipped over for this sale .
15 But in the artificial , unrelenting competitive world of perpetual travel and token nods across the net , there is n't too much time — or inclination — left over for real friendship .
16 But in the artificial , unrelenting competitive world of perpetual travel and token nods across the net , there is n't too much time — or inclination — left over for real friendship .
17 Recent research ( by Don Walz in the U.S.A. ) shows that the black pigmentation uses so much protein that there may be insufficient left over for normal growth and health .
18 Other large proportions go to space and civil aviation , leaving little left over for industrial R&D .
19 Whatever your circumstances , the point is that you should have enough money coming in in the Income column to meet the outgoings in the Expenditure column with , hopefully , a bit left over for rainy days and holidays .
20 In a class where almost half the time is spent on administrative matters , the time left over for active engagement in learning tasks is severely curtailed .
21 If , however , a relatively minor matter is left over for later agreement it does not necessarily follow that there is no contract .
22 Time and again we have seen large country houses taken over for institutional use , whether as corporate headquarters or hospitals .
23 Instead , they were taken over for institutional use , sometimes in a public-spirited move to give them a new lease of life , sometimes for exploitation as large areas of relatively cheap floor space .
24 ‘ You have been thrown over for another woman , that 's what I think .
25 In 1918 Sanders thought he had a chance to become Chief Secretary for Ireland , but was soon reduced to considering himself as a possible Speaker ; in 1921 he was passed over for Chief Whip because it did not suit the coalition to have such a partisan in so sensitive a post .
26 He remained doubled over for several seconds before slowly straightening up and wiping the sweat from his forehead .
27 Accepting the logic of this situation the matter was held over for further review at a later Department Head meeting .
28 However , it was disappointing that a new international instrument on ‘ disappearances ’ was held over for further study .
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