Example sentences of "[vb pp] to have been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The exchange 's acquiescence in a practice which it could reasonably be expected to have been aware of could amount to a waiver or estoppel ; enough at any rate to deter the exchange from taking disciplinary action against members who have followed the particular practice .
2 He himself claimed to have been present at the battle of the Boyne , as a private soldier in King William 's army ; later he deserted from the Royal Regiment of Dragoons ( Scots Greys ) when serving under the first Duke of Marlborough [ q.v. ] in Flanders .
3 Despite the many grumbles and adverse comments , 70 per cent of all employers interviewed claimed to have been satisfied with the standard of work of young people taken on by them in the previous two years , and only 14 per cent expressed dissatisfaction .
4 Overall , operation " Iron Fist " , which had begun in September [ see p. 37698 ] , was considered to have been successful in reducing violence .
5 The action of the Sandinista-controlled Army ( EPS ) , in obeying a government order and clearing the barricades away on July 10 , and the constitutional loyalty also of the police force ( which was similarly linked with the FSLN ) , was generally considered to have been crucial to the government 's survival .
6 A petition signed by 15,000 people demanded justice and the closing down of the garrison , whose commander was reported to have been relieved of his duties .
7 Aid workers in Somalia , including those with UN agencies , were widely reported to have been dismayed by the prospect of a US-led military intervention .
8 Stone is reported to have been unhappy at being passed over for the DEC presidency .
9 The outgoing Cabinet Secretary , Mayumi Moriyama , who had occupied the most senior post ever held by a woman , was reported to have been furious at her summary dismissal .
10 The surgeon was said to have been present during their operations at Wrexham Maelor Hospital .
11 As Chief Secretary of the Treasury from November 1990 he is said to have been crucial in ensuring a record settlement for the Arts Council for 1992/93 .
12 Late in his reign , the Shah was even said to have been impressed by the liberalizing efforts of King Juan Carlos in Spain .
13 Ministers are said to have been impressed by what they regard as the success of privately-run prisons and want to extend the scheme to other parts of the criminal justice system .
14 He was said to have been depressed after sitting his first exam … and apparently left a suicide note in his room .
15 In fact Mr Major , who is said to have been delighted with the way Mr Waldegrave introduced the health reforms , has put him in charge of implementing the Citizen 's Charter .
16 Freud can not be said to have been unaware of the variability of human nature in different societies which have other economic arrangements and different cultural aims from those of Europe and America .
17 Now sexism is so fundamental an evil that it becomes very difficult for anyone who has grasped this to envisage that God could be said to have been involved with human history .
18 The first 16 defendants are said to have been involved in the fraud or in receiving and laundering the money involved .
19 By the late fourth century , in fact , the Saxons were said to have been involved in raids which had previously been ascribed to the Franks .
20 By way of abbreviation of what is stated by the independent conditionals in ( 5 ) , cc can be said to have necessitated e , and e can be said to have been necessary to cc .
21 Although the trial judge in Jones was said to have been wrong in saying that the police need not have informed her of the presence of a solicitor called by another person , the admission of a statement made by Jones in the absence of a solicitor was upheld .
22 Although it is conceded that a ‘ decline ’ occurred in a few trades , reformers are said to have been confused by terminology and to have failed to distinguish between ‘ deskilling of individual jobs and industrial changes which led to the number of jobs in certain industries or occupations declining either relatively or absolutely , but not to the nature of the job themselves changing ’ .
23 Eorcenwald , bishop of London , is said to have been privy to discussions between Theodore and Wilfrid ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 43 ) .
24 Sub-commissioner José Amedo and Inspector Michel Domi nguez had participated in the recruitment of mercenaries for the Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación ( GAL ) , which were said to have been responsible for the assassination of 22 ETA leaders and alleged sympathizers in Basque areas of southern France between December 1983 and July 1986 .
25 Twelve manors , a vill and four hamlets held by subjects on the west side of the Severn from Newent in the north to Lydney , Alvington and Aylburton in the south were named : they were said to have been afforested by John , and so were claimed to be free of the Forest law .
26 Daniel Field wrote in 1976 that " The fear of peasant unrest … can not be shown to have been decisive in the decision to emancipate " , but Larisa Zakharova took him to task eight years later for failing to explain the emancipation in terms of " the fear of a peasant rising or the moods and struggle of the peasantry " .
27 The report — which has taken more than a year to prepare in one of the most complex inquiries undertaken by Sir Anthony 's office — will address the question of when the department first became negligent if it is shown to have been aware of the possible difficulties .
28 Most of the Coptic vessels found in Kent are types which Werner ( 1957 ; 1961 ) has shown to have been common on the Continent , but outside Kent there are a large number of rarities .
29 The difference might have been closer but transfers of otherwise non-transferable votes would have had to have been massive in favour of Donnelly in order to ensure his election .
30 Basically he felt that as Class AA was his freshman project , any exposure to your article would have had to have been indirect via his teachers .
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