Example sentences of "[vb pp] over the last two " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We have reviewed the results and the fact is we lost as many as we have won over the last two seasons , ’ said Bates .
2 An important element is the development of a database recording all the 100,000 ships built over the last two centuries .
3 He decided the wisest course was to pool all he had made over the last two years , enabling Julian to purchase the lease of a high street property .
4 Certainly , there is evidence that the number of women convicted of assaults , woundings and violent crime has risen over the last two decades .
5 This positive momentum has accelerated over the last two or three years , though the Campaign is the first to recognise that it is only a modest part of a much larger movement .
6 Up to 1,500 Indians may have died over the last two years as a result of the gold miners ' presence on their land .
7 Sadly the very dry weather we have had over the last two summers has meant that even young bulbs have not been able to bulk up their energy supplies and so the following year they have been unable to produce flowers .
8 The environmental quality of national parks in England and Wales has deteriorated over the last two decades , according to the first-ever national survey carried out for the Countryside Commission .
9 That is because of the way we 've behaved over the last two years .
10 I think it 's it 's fairly reasonable particularly when you consider what we 've experienced over the last two three and four seasons .
11 The Barcelona festival is the most enjoyable , experimental stop on what Gibson jokingly calls the ‘ virtual rubber chicken circuit ’ , a global network of theoretical conferences , trade fairs and arty think tanks which has developed over the last two years to tap the millennial fascination with virtual reality .
12 The software , developed over the last two years at DEC West in Washington , should free systems managers to be proactive in identifying and preventing potential systems problems while reducing the cost of systems management .
13 Much of the publicity that drug usage has received over the last two or three years has been counter-productive .
14 Of one thing I am certain : I am sure we all agree that what has emerged over the last two years has exceeded our expectations .
15 It was not until January that EMI at last rid themselves of the Sex Pistols — ‘ in view of the adverse publicity generated over the last two months ’ , as an official statement put it — and at a cost of £50,000 in settlement .
16 One of the one of the difficulties is that that that theatres up and down the country have faced over the last two years of the new target that were brought in with the eighty eight education act where schools were not allowed to make a charge it could only be a voluntary contribution now the council of Great Britain have looked at this it 's a problem cos of this decimated schools audiences .
17 This model , based initially on the fairly crude neuroanatomical data available a century ago , has stood the test of time remarkably well but data obtained over the last two decades have prompted modifications in the details .
18 Mr Prescott , who was given a rousing reception after his election to Labour 's national executive earlier this week , condemned Paul Channon , the former Secretary of State for Transport , for refusing to accept that government policies had played a part in the series of transport disasters that had occured over the last two years .
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