Example sentences of "[vb pp] over [art] [noun sg] [that] " in BNC.

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1 And , a shambles : Government attacked over the road that will blight a dream home .
2 K has literally just rung over the moon that I had fixed this as her mother is very fond of David and has known him for years — and it is fitting that widow of first Prof of CEGS ( as above ) be included — her dad built up the department enormously and I knew him through European seminars etc via Law Society with and others including who is a Heriot Row neighbour .
3 Although his head and body are bent towards her in paternal concern , their tension indicates that he wants to be elsewhere ; away from hysterical females , generally , and , in particular , at his lunchdate with the Chinese antique dealer who has hinted over the telephone that he has some particularly fine pieces of Ban Chieng that the National Museum will never see hidden away in his back room .
4 ‘ I 've done thirty-two jumps and never quite got over the feeling that it would be better to arrive by chauffeur-driven Rolls . ’
5 We 've had quite a busy afternoon , Mr Andropulos , and at the moment we 're anchored over a plane that crashed into the sea just about the time we were receiving your SOS . ’
6 What if that slave could have triumphed over the tube that confined him ?
7 During the game the FRAMPTON ROVERS full back heard over the tannoy that his wife had given birth to a healthy baby boy .
8 Deacon heard over the radio that a Bf110 was attacking Luqa , and going to investigate , shot at the aircraft without obvious effect .
9 In good time , too for a moment later a Vadinamian voice announced over the comm that our lift-off slot was now open .
10 They were now nearer to 550 miles from Malta than the 450 intended , and the Fulmar crew announced over the radio that they could not make it , breaking away to land on the carrier again .
11 Yet no less an authority on such international issues than the SRU 's chief executive , Bill Hogg , confirmed over the weekend that such a thing is theoretically possible .
12 The company has also neatly glossed over the fact that with this added gas ( extracted from water from a second underground source ) come added nasties , including benzene , which have to be taken out before bottling .
13 Relations between the Baltic republics and the central authorities , in the event , became still more strained over the period that followed .
14 Since the 1920s concern has been expressed over the fact that it tends to be the younger and better qualified people who are 51 leaving the less dynamic North , thus undermining the ability of the latter to rejuvenate itself .
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