Example sentences of "[vb pp] over [art] [noun sg] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Roberts 's grandfather had made over the farm when his father married , yet remained the respected patriarch of the household :
2 They were fascinated by the entrails of the ‘ Chuffa-chuffa-clang-clang ’ train strewn over the hearthrug as Malc and a screwdriver attempted to revive this sole survivor of Christmas .
3 Schoolchildren in the US and the UK were linked over the system as they used their personal computers for discussion of the environment .
4 The real truth about Crabb will never be known , but it does seem that he was expected by the Russians , was caught and either died of a heart attack or was murdered , and his body dumped over the side as the ships left Portsmouth .
5 TWO planes used by the financially troubled Paramount Airways will remain grounded over the weekend after the Court of Appeal last night overturned a court ruling just two hours before freeing the aircraft .
6 She had half fallen over the bonnet when the car stopped .
7 The houses with their heavy wooden windows leaned over the street until they almost touched in the middle , making it always cool and dark .
8 that early intervention is the best way of coping with it , and certainly it demands that parents and friends and teachers , and people concerned are aware of any change which is sustained over a period because by early intervention then you 're probably coping with the problem rather than the eating disorder , because the problem is there before the eating disorder .
9 Too close and you get swept over the edge except that they usually have some sort of wire-mesh barrier to stop you at the last moment .
10 The shed is neatly screened by a clematis , trained over a trellis while the compost fits neatly into the corner , reached by a stepping stone path .
11 Packets leaving the wrapping machine still passed over the checkweigher as before but now , instead of merely passing or rejecting each pack , the computer captured the data it measured and performed various analyses including the average weight and standard deviation for each hour .
12 We cadets spent that morning sewing shackles into confidential documents , so that they could be thrown over the side if anything untoward happened .
13 Wayne , Ricky 's favourite pony , had such a low threshold of boredom that he had a special manger hooked over the half-door so he could eat and miss nothing in the yard at the same time .
14 As I considered the contents of the squadron report , it seemed to me that the probability was that the bodies were those of aircrew from supply aircraft , for there was some suggestion in the report that a Liberator and a Halifax had been lost over the Morvan when ferrying supplies ; but the point is that no proper statement was ever made in regimental records .
15 A hydrophone — an under-water microphone — was then lowered over the side as the launch pitched violently in a heavy swell and winds gusting to more than 40 miles per hour .
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