Example sentences of "[vb pp] over [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This guitar 's overall colouring has obviously darkened with the passing of over three decades , and the lacquer is now finely cracked over the close-grained spruce top .
2 But that was generally the practice of settled people : Zuwaya were scattered over a vast territory , and although they owned land they were not permanently resident on it .
3 When dawn broke , the jeeps and trucks were scattered over a wide area , camouflaged under bushes and in the lee of rocks .
4 The two Bf110s had crashed nearby , and ‘ … they were scattered over a wide area — we all went out to view the wrecks .
5 Severed human limbs , heads and trunks lay scattered over a wide area ; other human remains , accompanied by tattered shreds of uniform , hung grotesquely from the remaining tree branches .
6 The sculptor pioneered approaches to his medium that young artists today take for granted : sculpture conceived as an ensemble of elements scattered over a wide area ; site-specific installation ; public ‘ interactive ’ art and sculpture on a colossal scale .
7 Clinical waste disposal is one of the areas where many difficulties can arise if the hospital site is ( as many older psychiatric facilities are ) geographically remote and scattered over a wide area .
8 Most of these patches are subdivided , and 26 small units of DNs are scattered over a wide area .
9 All windows were blown out and large pieces of metal and wood were scattered over a wide area .
10 Many teachers mentioned the difficulties of doing practical work in classrooms without storage space , in rooms scattered over a large campus , in departments without money to buy equipment .
11 For the city-centre church this will mean working with a map of the entire city , in recognition that the majority of their congregation will be scattered over a large area .
12 Thinking quickly , I asked the driver to take me to Clonmacnoise instead , a famous holy city that stood in ruins scattered over a sloping river bank .
13 These estimates add up to the figures quoted earlier , namely between 28,000 and 40,000 wild Asian elephants scattered over an immense area .
14 Now once again lights and darks are juxtaposed arbitrarily to create a sense of shallow relief , and are evenly scattered over the entire picture surface to maintain a compositional balance .
15 When I looked carefully I could see lots of orange fragments scattered over the sodden grass and glistening brown earth of the field .
16 ‘ We were just taking some reciprocal photos for my kid , ’ Florian explained insouciantly as he stood up , indicating the photos of Joni scattered over the glass-topped coffee-table .
17 All that remains now of the sixteen dwellings Seller burned are a few tumbled stones , scattered over the green hillside .
18 There are simple spinelets scattered over the dorsal surface of the disk although they are often rubbed off in preserved specimens .
19 The advocates of " Unity " argued , however , that a considerable change had come over the Communist Party and that it had given up its " social fascist " accusations .
20 These resonances correspond to constructive interference of the circulating field with the incident field , and 8 thus sweeps through 2 as the total cavity length is fine-tuned over an optical wavelength .
21 He had probably looked over the preparatory material which had already been published elsewhere , and sketched out the remaining chapters , during his period of convalescence in the late summer and autumn of 1947 .
22 The numerator , 1 , is carried over the decimal point to become unc This will be divided by 2 giving the answer 5 in the tenths column , or 0.5 .
23 The canal is carried over the western spur of the M5 on a modern aqueduct .
24 Boy charged with rape A 15-YEAR-OLD boy appeared before magistrates yesterday charged with rape and other serious sexual offences involving young children , alleged to have been committed over a lengthy period .
25 Some later Acts , such as that of 1853 disafforesting Wychwood Forest , did not extinguish common rights : common fields were to be set and cleared in each parish in compensation for the common rights which the forest inhabitants had previously enjoyed over the whole forest waste .
26 Our sand lizard , resembling a green mini-monster from prehistoric times , scrambled over the twiggy heather .
27 There are many ways of estimating the quality of the benefit at the end of the plan but one simple one is to calculate an earnings ratio , given by the interest earned over the total sum — which is best expressed as a percentage .
28 Ann Act Return ; annual actual return ( per cent ) , this is the actual return earned over the past year and includes both capital appreciation ( depreciation ) and any dividend paid .
29 The most militant fan of Sixties architecture would be hard pressed to support a last-minute appeal for the Bull Ring , although crocodile tears will be shed over the probable demolition of the Rotunda , a monumental steel and glass phallus , that , in the absence of a sky-piercing cathedral , acts as the city 's one instantly recognisable focal point .
30 It is up to the discretion of the neighbourhood policemen whether or not they respond to incidents reported over the personal radio , although major occurrences such as bomb alerts and fights , tend to attract them , as well as incidents that are nearby .
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