Example sentences of "[vb pp] over a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But that was generally the practice of settled people : Zuwaya were scattered over a vast territory , and although they owned land they were not permanently resident on it .
2 When dawn broke , the jeeps and trucks were scattered over a wide area , camouflaged under bushes and in the lee of rocks .
3 The two Bf110s had crashed nearby , and ‘ … they were scattered over a wide area — we all went out to view the wrecks .
4 Severed human limbs , heads and trunks lay scattered over a wide area ; other human remains , accompanied by tattered shreds of uniform , hung grotesquely from the remaining tree branches .
5 The sculptor pioneered approaches to his medium that young artists today take for granted : sculpture conceived as an ensemble of elements scattered over a wide area ; site-specific installation ; public ‘ interactive ’ art and sculpture on a colossal scale .
6 Clinical waste disposal is one of the areas where many difficulties can arise if the hospital site is ( as many older psychiatric facilities are ) geographically remote and scattered over a wide area .
7 Most of these patches are subdivided , and 26 small units of DNs are scattered over a wide area .
8 All windows were blown out and large pieces of metal and wood were scattered over a wide area .
9 A number of village health workers ( VHWs ) link villages scattered over a 30 mile radius to the health centre .
10 Many teachers mentioned the difficulties of doing practical work in classrooms without storage space , in rooms scattered over a large campus , in departments without money to buy equipment .
11 For the city-centre church this will mean working with a map of the entire city , in recognition that the majority of their congregation will be scattered over a large area .
12 Thinking quickly , I asked the driver to take me to Clonmacnoise instead , a famous holy city that stood in ruins scattered over a sloping river bank .
13 It will have to serve more people scattered over a larger area .
14 These estimates add up to the figures quoted earlier , namely between 28,000 and 40,000 wild Asian elephants scattered over an immense area .
15 These resonances correspond to constructive interference of the circulating field with the incident field , and 8 thus sweeps through 2 as the total cavity length is fine-tuned over an optical wavelength .
16 Now and again , of course , you have to deal with the awkward moments , like someone reading aloud from a Sunday paper the ‘ sordid story of perverted vice ’ which has obviously been concocted over a few jars by a hack hounded by deadline .
17 For a start , it allows spreading to be carried over a longer period during the winter months ( Table 1 ) .
18 Boy charged with rape A 15-YEAR-OLD boy appeared before magistrates yesterday charged with rape and other serious sexual offences involving young children , alleged to have been committed over a lengthy period .
19 As effective economic policy can hardly be judged in less than a three year period , and political affiliation is also a long-term question , it seems entirely reasonable that aid should be committed over a three year period .
20 Their combined list size was 250739 and from this population a total of 897 attacks was reported over a three month period .
21 What is more , by including a number of suitable tapping points , the turns ratio may be varied over an enormous range to permit the comparison of widely differing impedances .
22 Windows were shattered over a wide area and a number of persons had to be treated for injuries from flying glass and shock .
23 Indeed , it was the man at the opposite end of the park , Sieb Dykstra , who had the busier afternoon as he produced three crucial saves , the middle one — he was backpedalling as he acrobatically tipped over a superb Pat McGinlay shot — being the pick of the bunch .
24 He opened up a correspondence with the more pliable officers among Dara 's army and with promises of rewards secretly won over a sizeable proportion of his opponent 's force .
25 Peat-stained hands , grace before the meal intoned in Gaelic , the taste of tea brewed over an open peat fire , and the smell of heather borne on a keen sea breeze .
26 In early 1977 , for the first time in 30 years , campesinos in the central region of the country occupied land from which they had been evicted over a long period of time to make way for export crops .
27 They are well equipped — all resourcing being channelled to that age group rather than being dispersed over a wider age group .
28 The material of the bags had been destroyed in the fire and most of the burned contents of the hold had been dispersed over a wide area .
29 When it erupted around 75 000 a BP an estimated 2000 km 3 of material was dispersed over a wide area of the East Indies .
30 These results introduce an immunologically-important , putative LCR which can be used to target genes to cells of the B cell lineage , as well as to other class II MHC expressing cells , and highlight the importance of chromatin structure analysis as a means to locate DNA regions of regulatory interest which are dispersed over a large distance .
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