Example sentences of "[vb pp] back [prep] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Politics has come back to life as well .
2 He is not expected back in London until after Christmas .
3 When it takes over your life , you know , anything that happens to you is related back to food whether it 's you know , connected or not , that is when it becomes an eating problem .
4 Although the Bonhomme Richard sank two days later , the Battle of Flamborough Head was an American victory , for the Serapis and the Countess of Scarborough were sailed back to France as prizes , and 504 prisoners were taken , including , a bitter blow for the Royal Navy , 26 officers .
5 As she seems to have stayed on the island for only three weeks , however , being moved back to Stirling when the English army left Scotland at the end of September , we can only conclude that these are testimony not to Mary as an infant prodigy , but to her fascination as a source of romance and legend .
6 Ian Clarke , a Bank of England executive , and his wife Jacqueline promptly turned back to Surrey so they would be nearer Heathrow and Gatwick airports — and better placed to take off for Australia .
7 Yesterday he said : ‘ I 'm pleased I 've got back to work as I was getting bored at home .
8 Eddie had just got back from work when they had a row in the kitchen .
9 5 ( 3 ) PATRIOT GAMES : Retired CIA man Harrison Ford is dragged back into action when he witnesses an assassination attempt on a British royal .
10 Of course , there might be other forms of intelligent life , not dreamed of even by writers of science fiction , that did not require the light of a star like the sun or the heavier chemical elements that are made in stars and are flung back into space when the stars explode .
11 Tranmere 2 Portsmouth 0 PORTSMOUTH who , on Sunday , came agonisingly close to depriving Liverpool of a place in the FA Cup Final , were brought back to earth when they visited the unfashionable part of Merseyside last night .
12 The module must be brought back on line before it can be installed/deinstalled .
13 The hospitaller suddenly stepped back in panic as the bear sprang into life , towering above him , its great paws clawing the air .
14 But we had to move quickly otherwise Colin would have gone back to Barnsley because his loan spell was over . ’
15 If the Indian population of the Siberian crane does become extinct , then captive-bred Siberian birds will be released into the Common crane 's breeding grounds , in the hope that they will be guided back to India when the Common cranes migrate .
16 Instead ‘ Akkawi was taken back to interrogation where he suffered a heart attack .
17 I was taken back to Holloway while they made inquiries .
18 I have given up begging to be taken back into service since it is plain Annunciata is preferred .
19 His mother , who escaped with her eight month-old baby , was beaten back by flames when she tried to rescue her son .
20 He can be tossed back into unemployment when he is no longer required .
21 They demanded that the Shah , who had fled from Iran and who was undergoing treatment for cancer in the USA , should be sent back for trial before the hostages were set free .
22 A group of Scots taken prisoner at Solway Moss , the earls of Glencairn and Cassillis , lords Fleming , Maxwell , Somerville and others , obtained their release and were sent back to Scotland when they signed a request to Henry that he should take Mary into his care , with the intention of marrying her to his son , the future Edward VI ; their offer that they would help to bring him to power in Scotland , should Mary die , was kept entirely secret .
23 Any wounded or distressed creatures that are handed to us are carefully nursed back to health whilst our breeding programmes produce an ever-increased number of baby marine creatures , many of which are then released into the wild .
24 On a minor point about insurance , if you should be unfortunate in having money stolen from you , this will not be paid back by insurers unless the theft has been reported to the police in the particular country .
25 Madigan 's Millions was held back from release until American International Pictures decided to take advantage of the success of Midnight Cowboy by foisting it on to the public in 1969 in a double bill with Jon Voight 's early indiscretion , Fearless Frank , also made in 1967 .
26 This had been again held back in September because of Argentina 's failure to meet economic performance targets .
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