Example sentences of "[vb pp] down on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He was rather looked down on by the Trebetherick set .
2 On the other hand , public relations is often looked down on by the media as messengers with stories that hold no interest and which will be presented in the wrong way at the wrong time and in the wrong situation .
3 Jasper had got down on to the floor and was grubbing about under the carpet .
4 And , after the two of them had slipped down on to the expensive and discreet rug , the rest of his body also demonstrated its unimpaired mobility .
5 When Rohmer and Duvall had stepped down on to the top of the basement landing , Cardiff followed them , carefully letting the door close behind him .
6 After her coat was thrown down on to the couch , to be followed by the long mud-fringed skirt and tattered voluminous blouse , there appeared before the child a fat woman , a very fat woman , in what seemed to be a clean blue-striped blouse and a long grey skirt with a fringe .
7 He had remembered having seen , that first day , some goats grazing further on down the river bank , had made some inquiries and discovered that they were taken down on to the river bed every morning by a boy who acted as herd .
8 The electrons are deflected down on to the specimen by a pair of adjustable magnets attached to a movable carriage on the top of the specimen chamber .
9 The official explanation was that a finish flag had blown down on to the mechanism and the timing had run on .
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