Example sentences of "[vb pp] out [conj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 As they understood it , after a short while Balbinder might be sorted out and returned to mainstream .
2 Once the project has been carried out and shown to be successful , subsequent written or verbal reports can outline other uses of the microcomputer based in the school library , leading to the acquisition of a library based microcomputer or the reallocation of an existing microcomputer to the school library .
3 Edward was not fond of Sandra ; she was a prissy little girl , always fastidiously turned out and given to exclamations of disgust and revulsion .
4 On the day I moved in my Mother had warned me not to let him rule my life like he 'd ruled my Father 's , but it never occurred to me to disobey him and seemed natural to follow the ‘ week planner ’ he 'd written out and pinned to the notice-board in the kitchen : Monday — Washing Tuesday — Ironing Wednesday — Youth Club etc .
5 A general-purpose rolled insulation blanket can be fitted between timber studding and held in place with wire netting stapled to the timber , or a flanged , paper-faced insulation quilt can be used — the paper flange is opened out and stapled to the timber , thus holding the quilt in place .
6 Thirdly , the growth of computerisation within the organisation allied to the advent of newer technologies meant that the ICL 1900 series computers were being phased out and needed to be replaced with systems which would meet company needs through the 1980's .
7 erm that 's the doubt and that doubt is going to be either borne out or shown to be wrong by the rest of John Major 's incumbents , so at the moment I 'll certainly give him the benefit of the doubt .
8 When the caravan stopped they were dragged out and transferred to an open truck .
9 So for example in a region of high productivity you may find very low concentrations of carbonate because it 's been stripped out and converted to skeletal material being used in photosynthesis .
10 The back seat , its padding springing from the slashed plastic , had been ripped out and hurled to one side .
11 The lure of live music-making is , of course , irresistible : the sense of occasion , of which Karajan was himself a great provider , the throng of music-madded fans and aficionados , not to mention that bear-baiting element Glenn Gould was always so amusing about , as soloists are led out and put to their instruments before the attentive crowd .
12 Mew found the fire had gone out and blew to 76 for 145 .
13 And Ruth had packed her satchel quietly in the night , gone out and gone to him .
14 ‘ It 's very rare we get an application of this nature and unfortunately 80pc of it has been thrown out and lost to the people of Derwentside .
15 Chief Supt Terry Tasker stressed there was no crowd fighting , adding : ‘ Some Leeds supporters bought tickets for other parts of the ground and they were flushed out and taken to the enclosure set aside for them . ’
16 Chief Supt Terry Tasker stressed there was no crowd fighting , adding : ‘ Some Leeds supporters bought tickets for other parts of the ground and they were flushed out and taken to the enclosure set aside for them . ’
17 She consults astrologer Penny Thornton who tells her ‘ One day you will be out , but you will be allowed out as opposed to divorcing . ’
18 ‘ One day you will be allowed out but you will be allowed out as opposed to divorcing , ’ Penny told her , confirming Diana 's existing opinion that she would never become queen .
19 He and a colleague were dug out and taken to hospital in the horse , drawn ambulance .
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