Example sentences of "[vb pp] up and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Has anyone rung up and told me I 've won a million pounds ?
2 and she 's never rung up and said anything about the shirts and trousers ,
3 Oh as they come out to Asda they said they found her bag and they give her our Pam 's phone number and rung up and thanked our she said there 's full of stuff money and all in there and thanked her for what she 'd done and our Pam said fair enough I would you know
4 Pat rung up and wanted me to fetch the dressing table on Tuesday night I said yeah alright I 'll do Wednes but I forgot I was going out with the girls Wednesday so I went out Tuesday and she would n't let me have it , cos Tuesdays they 're not working in the kitchen
5 Wickham suggested that once he 'd had his fun with the Linleys he could have owned up and put their minds at rest .
6 So er er whether or not it 'll be the same faces c l as come up and do it er But it it should n't make that much difference .
7 ‘ We could see what looked like a range of hills from our window but they 'd gone by the morning — nothing left but huge ripples as if a great tide had come up and washed them away .
8 ‘ The sea has obviously come up and washed it out of the rocks and the heavy rain has probably washed the puddles of oil from high up on the banks where the sea was n't reaching . ’
9 He stopped abruptly , and she knew he must have looked up and seen her .
10 in village , not far up us and er I were getting round me mum and pulling on her skirts and and this old woman says , get him fed Frances , he wants a bit of pap , get him , get him picked up and give him a bit of pap and that 'll shut him up
11 Councillors , who had grown up and learnt their politics in a labour movement founded on the dominance of Sheffield 's skilled workers in the steel and engineering industries , now had to formulate a response as this dominance quite literally crumbled to the ground .
12 ‘ Of course , when I 'm grown up and have my own place , you know , my cottage , I could ask you there , ’ Eve said earnestly .
13 Even with concussion she had struggled up and hit him with a frying pan .
14 There had been a further recent development ; only a couple of days ago Herr Hamnett 's brother , another agreeable young gentleman , had turned up and collected his entire belongings .
15 Once a grand place in its own grounds , suburban London had crept up and round it , trapping it among the terraced streets .
16 The afternoon and evening seemed to pass with agonizing slowness , yet , when the time came for Maurice 's departure , it felt to Charlotte as if it had crept up and taken them by surprise .
17 Toby stood at my elbow , and when I 'd hung up and told him said , with a strange urgency , almost like despair : " No , no , not this Sunday , for Christ 's sake , ca n't you get out of it ? "
18 Surely those disadvantaged by the consequences of the military-industrial complex would have risen up and used their democratic rights to question it ?
19 Eventually he got fed up and told them to stop bothering him and ignored their letters .
20 and fed up and think you ca n't do it and you go blank and then you ca n't touch anything you and you know it 's hard .
21 He has shot up and seized his chance with both hands .
22 Let's get our beds made up and do our unpackin' .
23 By the time the complex details of the preventative works had been finally drawn up and agreed we were again running out of time .
24 Keep your knees drawn up and fold your arms across your chest .
25 So I told them what I would do , but once again I 've never been in the situation but this is what I 'll do , said as if they were me own parents make them as comfortable as I could while I 'll cleaned up and give them a bed bath or if they could shower , shower them and erm and get everything back to normal as quick as possible , fine , that were all fine she , and then as , as I got up from it they all said thanks a lot Joy it has been great you really have been great you 've made it easy , we 've got an easy day in front thanks to you , you know you 're bubbly and all this and then when she phoned me on the Sunday she said hello Joy it 's Sue here and I , I said will you let me know one way or the another cos I said I hate being left up in the air
26 In despair , one day , of finding a well-fitting winter coat , she hastily counted up the amount of land around Tollemarche which her husband had bought up and decided he was worth at least a Persian lamb coat .
27 Overnight the world has opened up and revealed its depth and colour .
28 ‘ Jack Lawrence , ’ he said , and if the floor could have opened up and swallowed her she would have been delighted .
29 When other sunsigner 's get up and go has got up and gone you 're still going strong , so take pity on a pooped pal or po-fagged partner and ease up a little Tuesday .
30 He had got up and faced them both .
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