Example sentences of "[vb pp] up [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 From the yet more gloomy expression on his normally lugubrious face it was evident that he had resigned himself to her companionship at least as far as his hotel perched up far above the sea .
2 One of the soldiers had come up on to the cabin top .
3 Something come up there onto the brink of the gulf ,
4 So , I 'm fed up I want to go to Malita And then we get , they 'll call in and say you have n't come up there for a week !
5 I was just having a word with one of your colleagues here trying to take up what Mr 's point was and I think we 've come up maybe with a compromise , is that we call him the County Public Protection Officer .
6 Almost before you can see what has come up out of the hold the fish is loaded on the barrow and trundled off at breakneck speed , followed by the small boys and the cats .
7 Le Bon seemed to have in mind here a church congregation , as in the remarks about people being lifted up ethically in a crowd .
8 She hummed a tune and pretended to care about tasting a fragment of fish she 'd pinched up out of the herby broth .
9 Critical discourse might have been given more space , especially in the context of the brief discussion of " canon " , but it is well handled in the earlier volume by Durant and Fabb , so can be picked up again in a course which focuses more clearly on literary texts using that book .
10 Since July profits have picked up slightly for the first time in 18 months .
11 And the suggestion to this Committee was that it looked , that it looked further at the five hundred thousand pounds guideline that 's been set to address the apparent shortfall on community care funding , and also that you should look at further service reductions and their implications erm , of reductions of a further two hundred and fifty thousand , and those are again picked up later in the paper .
12 Like one of those European taxis that you get picked up in at the airport in Paris . ’
13 On the , on the down side , some of us felt that the , the actual heading could have been , might get picked up verbatim by a news editor and used almost in that form .
14 It is perhaps interesting to note that Baines in his History of Lancashire tells us that there are no mines at work in this Parish , nor any minerals found , except some fine specimens of copper ore which are picked up occasionally near the brooks in Rusland !
15 I mean they 're probably booked up now for the next three or four years anyway
16 Consequently she never stopped bellyaching to Daisy about how all the other Pony Club members had at least three ponies , and how humiliating it was having to hack to meetings when everyone else rolled up either in the latest horse boxes with grooms , or driving Porsches with telephones .
17 The excess sail is rolled up neatly around the mast out of the way and still I 've good a good sail shape .
18 Randy and Merlin Sherwood 's beautiful mother adjusted her mascara in the driving mirror and eyed Rupert Campbell-Black who 'd just rolled up alone in a dark green Ferrari to watch his daughter , Tabitha , play in the first final for the under-fourteens .
19 You were rolled up tight as a mummy in canvas , then water was poured on it .
20 He was shaking hands now with the woman , who was the exact antithesis of her niece , being thin and bony ; even her arms , showing bare where she had her sleeves rolled up almost to the armpits , looked fleshless .
21 On the whole , she thought as she grilled her lamb chop , tossed the broad beans from cullender to plate and regarded the ginger-haired Tobias who had curled up companionably on a copy of the parish magazine in the centre of the kitchen table , it 's an icon of paradise : a garden I did not make , a house I 'm only partly responsible for and , above all , no human contacts unless I seek them out .
22 Virginia pushed agitated hands through her hair , forgetting it was caught up neatly in a high top-knot .
23 Because I am a writer caught up willy-nilly in the polluted air of our own times , because I can not avoid entirely the language , assumptions , behaviour and weirdly chiliastic bombast so typical of a corrupted age , I can force myself to imagine by what tormented mental process an educated and rational man of some sensibility moves from the cerebral subtleties of Keynsian economics to the animal crudities of purchasing unsatisfactory and momentary sexual release from a cheap little whore .
24 Purely on a psychological level , it may be that a culture such as ours that has grown up out of a Judaic-Christian background finds cremation difficult to accept .
25 He had been born in Tucupita and had grown up there in the region of Venezuela where the great Paraqua river met the Orinoco and flowed into the Delta of the Orinoco where the sea moved on to Trinidad .
26 They 'd all grown up together on the same corpy estate , been to the same sink school , gone out with the same dreary lads .
27 The adult males have grown up together in a similar pride , left before maturity , and stayed together .
28 Grown up enough for a proper kiss , I wonder ? ’
29 Er the thing is that the people in the northeast yes er there is a lot more work done up there by the Society but you know since I 've been down in Horsham I have found that the northeast is not alone .
30 The standard way of exploring fur lead was by searching for veinstone pebbles in the becks of gills , and when enough of the veinstones were found to indicate a good deposit of lead-bearing ores a dam was built up above on the fell at the head of the beck .
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